Author: Joshua De Leon

The HRC Love Affair With Wall Street is Branding All Dems: And Dems Seem OK With That

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton announced her support for legislation that would ban “golden parachutes” for people who transition from the private sector to work for the federal government, reported the Huffington Post. The bill is actually a weak half-measure to make Wall Street Dems look tough while going easy on criminal banksters. Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) and Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) have both sponsored the Financial Services Conflict of Interest Act, which Clinton supports. The bill “slows down” the employee revolving door between Wall Street and the government by extending the employment waiting period from one year to...

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Walker Wants a Wall Along the Canadian Border, Perhaps to Keep Americans from Escaping?

Republican presidential candidate Gov. Scott Walker(WI) stated that building a wall along the U.S. – Canada border is a legitimate idea, reported CNN. Canadians aren’t immigrating to America in droves, so it may be to keep fed-up Americans from escaping. Obviously copycatting candidate Donald Trump, who’s been proposing the construction of a giant wall along the U.S. – Mexico border, Walker believes that a wall separating us from Canada ensures America’s safety. He’s trying to stir controversy like Trump, but he is just being an idiot. “Some people have asked us about that in New Hampshire,” Walker said. “They...

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Protests are Starting: When Will DNC Set Debates: They are Trying to Rig The System

Grassroots activists have rallied to pressure the Democratic National Committee into changing its rules and limitations concerning the 2016 presidential debates, reported The Hill. Democratic presidential candidates Bernie Sanders and Martin O’Malley have criticized the DNC’s debate parameters. The #AllowDebate movement argues that the DNC is rigging the Democratic primaries by limiting the number of debates to six, four of them being before the primary elections. Candidates are also banned from taking part in “outside contests.” “Four debates and only four debates – we are told and not asked – before voters in our earliest states make their decision,”...

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Japan to Reengage Combat Troops for 1st time since WW2: Claim Response to ISIS

The Japanese parliament is looking to pass a piece of war legislation in order to amass troops to fight ISIS, reported CBS News. The move has caused thousands of Japanese citizens to protest the bill and is the first military action in the country since World War II. Last month, the parliament’s lower house passed legislation that allows the Self Defense Force to engage in combat for the first time since the 1940s. The parliament’s upper house is debating the legislation and is expected to pass it late in September. However, tens of thousands of protesters rallied outside parliament...

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Sanders Lays Out 6 Very Clear Reasons He is So Different From HRC

Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) is gaining steam against the current frontrunner, Hillary Clinton. Clinton is an Establishment Democrat, business as usual. Sanders is the opposite of business as usual, and here are six good reasons why. “I believe that, when you have so few banks with so much power, you have to not only reestablish Glass-Steagall, but you have got to break them up. That is not Hillary Clinton’s position.” “I believe that our trade policies, NAFTA, CAFTA, PNTR with China, have been a disaster. I am helping to lead the effort against the Trans-Pacific Partnership....

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