Author: Joshua De Leon

Fox: Liberals Want to Ban Confederate Flags Because They Hate Signs of Patriotism

The new Fox News narrative is saying that liberals “hate expressions of patriotism.” The Dickson County Public School District in Tennessee banned students from flying all flags. This ban is due to a portion of students that were flying the Confederate flag, which stood to cause problems. Yet, Fox News twists the narrative to say that it’s just an attack against rural America....

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ROF Finally Agrees with Trump on Something: Hedge Fund Managers Must Begin Paying Income Taxes

This is something else. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has called for increased taxes for hedge funds, reports CBS News. For once, Trump and Ring of Fire agree. “I have hedge fund guys that are making a lot of money that aren’t paying anything,” said Trump. “They’re paying nothing and it’s ridiculous. I want to save the middle class. The hedge fund guys didn’t build this country. These are guys that shift paper around and they get lucky.” Hedge fund managers are usually in the top tax bracket, which lawfully must pay a 39.6 percent income tax. However, they...

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Harry Reid Officially Endorses Iran Nuclear Deal

Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) announced his support for the Iran nuclear deal, reports CBS News. Reid’s endorsement helps to protect the deal, and he said he will do “everything in my power to ensure that it stands.” According to a statement from Reid: One of the most important national security challenges of our generation is stopping Iran from getting a nuclear weapon, a goal that is critical to the national security of the United States, the State of Israel and the world. After years of study and months of careful review of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of...

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Florida Gun Range Gets Permission to Serve Alcohol: Is Florida Officially Competing Against Texas for “Most Lunatic State?”

City commissioners in Daytona Beach, Florida have approved an indoor gun range selling alcoholic beverages. There are some stipulations: one can’t drink before shooting a gun, and one can’t shoot once they’ve started drinking. Despite these rules, the risk of alcohol creating a dangerous situation is great, and the addition of guns will increase the probability of accidents happening. Florida is really becoming the craziest state in the...

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