Author: Joshua De Leon

Is There Any Surprise That Trump Would Have His Biggest Appeal in Regressive Alabama?

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump held a rally at Ladd-Peebles Stadium in Mobile, Alabama on Friday, reported the Huffington Post. At 20,000 attendees, it was the largest rally held by a GOP candidate. It should come as no surprise that Trump’s biggest crowd was in Alabama. “I think he appeals to us Southerners because he tells it like it is and he has strong opinions,” said Savannah Zimmerman, a 27-year-old registered nurse from Mobile. “That is the way we are here in the South.” “Telling like it is” is a redneck way of saying, “he’s an obnoxious mouth-breather, just...

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Henry Ford Designed a Car made of Hemp: More Fuel Efficient, More Durable: It Disappeared

Henry Ford was an innovator ahead of his time. By 1941, Ford had been working on ways to invent more fuel efficient and durable vehicles that could operate with alternative fuel sources. He came up with a hemp-bodied prototype automobile, which he foresaw running on alcohol generated from agricultural products such as Hemp. Despite the breakthrough, hemp production was inhibited by draconian marijuana laws designed to protect fossil fuels and the production of standard textiles and materials. Unfortunately, mass production of the hemp car never happened. In this video, the car is beaten with a hammer while no heavy damage...

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Pew Poll Shows GOP More Disliked by Public Than Ever Before

The Pew Research Center released a new poll showing that the Republican Party’s favorability rating among Americans has been on a sharp decline, reported Addicting Info. The GOP had a 41 percent favorability rating among Americans at the end of 2014. Currently, that rating has plummeted to 32 percent. This decline is attributed to many thing: the GOP’s treatment of poor people, their anti-gay agenda, suppression of minority voters, and one-percenter favoritism. Currently, Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush has support from 27 percent of Hispanic voters. The GOP nominee needs almost double that amount to win the White House....

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Koch Pick Walker Losing by 10 Points to Hillary: In His Own State

Republican presidential candidate and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R), golden boy for the Koch brothers, is predicted to lose his own state by 10 points to Hillary Clinton, reported Vox. According to the Marquette Law poll, only 25 percent of Wisconsin Republicans support Walker, a dramatic decrease from the 40 percent he received in April. The poll also found that “in a head-to-head matchup of Walker against Hillary Clinton, Wisconsin voters would opt for Clinton, 52 percent to 42 percent.” That’s got to hurt for Walker, who was once the presidential favorite in Wisconsin and heavily-supported by Charles and David...

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New Data Reveals GOP will need close to 50% of Hispanic Vote to Win WH

New data reveals that a Republican candidate needs nearly 50 percent of the Hispanic vote to secure the 2016 presidential election, reported the Los Angeles Times. It looks like Donald Trump is out. Whether conservatives want to admit it or not, the Hispanic vote is a key demographic that must be won in order to have the White House. The Republicans need at least 47 percent of the Hispanic vote to win, an increase attributed to changing demographics in America, compared to the 40 percent it once needed. For perspective, Republican candidate Mitt Romney barely won 20 percent of...

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