Author: Joshua De Leon

ATT Promoting NSA Spying on You is All About a Boot Licking Brown Nose Money Grab

AT&T didn’t just willingly hand over millions of phone records to the National Security Agency (NSA) without getting something in return. It’s been reported that each of the major carriers received $300 million a year from the NSA in return for open access to their customers’ phone records. This arrangement has been around for well over a decade. The telecom companies make big money, and the NSA spied on us. Here’s AT&T whistleblower Mark Klein talking about the arrangement on Democracy...

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Without Exception All Repug Prez Candidates Seem to Hate Teachers: Wonder Why?

Republican presidential candidates Chris Christie, Ted Cruz, and Scott Walker all hate teachers and teachers’ unions. Now, Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R) has joined the anti-teacher fold, reported RawStory. Granted, Kasich isn’t as insane as his fellow Republicans, but he’s still in the ballpark. Speaking about teachers, Kasich said “If I were, not president, if I were king in America, I would abolish all teachers’ lounges where they sit together and worry about ‘woe is me.’” Kasich would rather them feel like that at home after he fires them all and privatizes education. The Republican anti-teacher mission reemerged in...

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The Scandals Have Begun with Ashley Madison: GOP Jason Dore: “I Was Doing Research”: Does Your Wife Believe You?

At least 32 million names, addresses, and phone numbers have been released in the massive Ashley Madison hack. A various number of politicians were found to have been included in the recent data dump. One such politician is Jason Dore, Executive Director of the Louisiana Republican Party. According to Dore, he only created an account for “opposition research” to dig up dirt on his political rivals. Is that true, or is he covering himself? Dore used to run a law firm, and he claimed to have done the research for political purposes. “As the state’s leading opposition research firm, our...

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Trump Says He Will Scare the Pope with ISIS Attacks if Pope Attacks Capitalism

CNN’s Chris Cuomo interviewed Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump about Pope Francis and capitalism, of which the pontiff is critical. In the hypothetical scenario that the pope would condemn capitalism to Trump, the real estate magnate said he’d respond by scaring the pope with ISIS. “ISIS wants to get you,” said Trump. “You know that ISIS wants to go in and take over the Vatican – you have heard that. That’s a dream of theirs.” “I’m going to have to scare the pope,” he added. “The pope, I hope, can only be scared by God, but the truth is —...

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GOP Senator Indicted for Embezzling Millions of Dollars from Better Business Bureau

An Oklahoma state senator was indicted for attempting to embezzle millions of dollars from the Better Business Bureau (BBB), reported the Huffington Post. Oklahoma state Sen. Rick Brinkley (R), who held a senior position with the BBB, was charged with five counts of fraud related to his scheme to embezzle $2 million from the organization and one count of filing a false tax return. Oklahoma state prosecutors said each fraud count is punishable by up to 20 years in prison. “Defendant Brinkley devised and intended to devise a scheme and artifice to defraud the BBB and obtain money and...

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