Author: Joshua De Leon

Duggar Admits being “Biggest Hypocrite Ever”: Those who yell loudest, hiding something

The hits keep on coming for Josh Duggar. The Ashley Madison hack revealed that Duggar purchased two accounts with the infidelity website as recently as 2013, reported Talking Points Memo. In the aftermath, Duggar released a statement admitting that he’s the “biggest hypocrite ever” because he cheated on his wife, and is atticked to pornography. Josh Duggar passed himself off as the bastion of Christian faith and family values. However, he was found to have molested several young girls in his youth, and to have cheated on his wife. Duggar family values have flatlined. Duggar was a lobbyist with...

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Two Boston Men Beat and Urinate on Homeless Hispanic Man: Say Trump Inspired them

Two Boston men are accused of brutally beating and urinating on a homeless man because the man was Hispanic. One attacker said he was inspired by the anti-immigration rhetoric of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, and felt the need to act upon Trump’s words, reported Talking Points Memo. Brothers Scott and Steve Leader pleaded not guilty to several charges, including assault with a dangerous weapon, indecent exposure, and making threats related to the attack. “Donald Trump was right, all these illegals need to be deported,” Scott Leader said. The brothers were leaving a Boston Red Sox game and came upon...

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Oliver Starts Church: “Our Lady of Perpetual Exemption”: Pressures IRS to Stop Tax Exemption for Televangelist

Thanks to the most recent episode of Last Week Tonight, John Oliver has prompted new pressure on the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to crack down on fraudulent televangelists, reported CBS News. Televangelists preach the “prosperity gospel,” which means that God intended for everyone to be rich, as long as they give lots of money to the church. By giving money, these preachers say God will return the payment many times over and even cure their diseases. This is a bunch of hogwash that allows televangelists like Creflo Dollar to take advantage of vulnerable people. False preachers have used this...

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North and South Korea Have Begun Firing Rockets at Each Other: No U.N. Response Yet

South Korea and North Korea began firing rockets on each other this past Thursday, reported CBS News. North Korea fired a single rocket and South Korea responded by firing dozens of shells. The United Nations has yet to respond. Tensions arose when Seoul accused North Korea of planting landmines in a demilitarized zone in South Korea that maimed two South Korean soldiers. For the first time in 11 years, South Korea has begun running anti-Pyongyang propaganda. North Korea has threatened attacks against the loudspeakers broadcasting the messages. “Our military has stepped up monitoring and is closely watching North Korean...

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July Was Hottest Month on Record: GOP Says No Evidence of Global Warming

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration released a new report indicating that July 2015 was the hottest month on record since such measurements began in 1880, reported CBS News. However, Republicans still deny climate change. “Much of the globe was at record or near record for the month,” said Jake Crouch of NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental Information. The global temperature last month was 1.46 degrees F warmer than the 20th century average for the month of July. It was 1.53 degrees F warmer than the yearly average. Climate scientists say there is a 99 percent chance that 2015...

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