Author: Joshua De Leon

Illinois GOP Chair Resigns After Supporting Same-Sex Marriage

Illinois GOP Chairman Pat Brady has resigned from his position after supporting gay marriage, for which the Republican party at large has put Brady under a firestorm of criticism. Bobbie Peterson, a Republican state central committeewoman based in Beecher, Ill., has been one of Brady’s harshest critics.  “Pat Brady is a total disgrace,” belted Peterson on WBEZ, an Illinois station.  “He’s a pretty face for TV.  He can speak well.  Period.  But what’s coming out of his mouth is not what the Republican party is about.”       Brady has cited his resignation as being tied to “personal...

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Espionage Act of 1917 Indictments Double Under Current Administration

Since the Espionage Act of 1917 was enacted during World War I, the United States has only seen three indictments in the act’s 90 years.  The act is intended to “protect the United States against ‘the insidious methods of internal hostile activities.’”  Since the Obama Administration took Washington, there have been six indictments under the Espionage Act, according to AlterNet. These recent indictments weren’t used to prosecute government double-agents exposing war secrets to America’s enemies.  They were whistleblowers – and patriots – who acted in the best interest of the American people.   The most recent and glaring example...

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Toxic Chemicals Put in Over 5,000 Children’s Products

A report released by the Washington Toxics and Safer States Coalition (WTC) indicates that thousands of childrens products including baby food, cosmetics and care products, toys and clothing contain numerous dangerous chemicals, according to AlterNet.  Washington state law requires a product content report indicating the chemicals present, their effects, the products that contain them and the companies selling the products to ensure consumer protection and safety. The report distributed to the Washington State Department of Ecology identified 41 chemicals linked to cancer and hormonal disruption, according to a Washington Toxics and Safer States Coalition press release. Some of the...

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Bachmann Under Probe, Glenn Beck Blames ‘Radical Islam’

Rep. Michelle Bachmann is slated to go under investigation after the Iowa Supreme Court chief justice appoints an investigator, according to a report by Salon.  The investigation will look further into the allegations that Bachmann committed ethics and criminal violations during her farcical 2012 presidential campaign. The allegations center on charges that Bachmann misappropriated funds to promote her book and that her presidential campaign laundered money. Bachmann’s former chief of staff will be a definite testimonial heavyweight for the prosecution.  The aide, Andy Parrish, will soon sit before an Iowa Senate ethics panel to testify against his former employer....

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Send in the Clowns: NRA’s New President

The debacled circus-act that is the National Rifle Association has its new over-the-big top, ringmaster.  Jim Porter, an Alabama attorney and slack-jawed son of former NRA president, Irvine Porter, is set to lead the clowns this coming Monday, reports CNN. Porter is the NRA’s current first vice president, previous second vice president and, in classic NRA style, is no stranger to right-wing conservative lunacy. reported Porter jabbering a slew of outrageous, gun-nutty hyperbole.  Last June, at a New York Rifle and Pistol Association meeting, he threw around such erroneous claims, accusing Attorney General Eric Holder of “trying to...

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