Author: Justin Lane

Imaging Group to Pay $15.5 Million to Settle False Claims Suit

After years of allegedly stealing from taxpayers and the government, Diagnostic Imaging Group (DIG) has submitted to paying $15.5 million to resolve charges that it submitted false claims for payment, defrauded the government, and paying kickbacks to doctors. ‘When a health care facility submits false claims for payment, it undermines the integrity of the health care system,” commented Christopher Paulos and attorney with the Levin, Papantonio law firm who practices in the areas of qui tam or whistleblower and False Claims Act litigation. “Health care providers, both institutions and physicians, should not have their interests vested in personal gain...

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Activist Group Calls For Black Box Warning on Testosterone Products

Testosterone products, e.g. AndroGel, Androderm, and Axiron, are under fire for their underreported propensity to cause heart attacks and strokes in individuals. Public Citizen announced yesterday that they have filed a petition to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration requesting that a black box warning immediately be added to testosterone products for their cardiovascular danger. “Patients and consumers need to be made aware of the potential dangers associated with a product they may be taking or using,” commented Brandon Bogle, an attorney with the Levin, Papantonio law firm who practices in the areas of testosterone lawsuits, personal injury, and...

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Is Netflix Giving Up?

A recent lawsuit opened the doors for major telecoms to being pay-to-play schemes and traffic throttling. Netflix has been a company that has been vocal and outspoken about its disapproval of the efforts and threat of major telecoms essentially shutting down the internet. The company once threatened to mobilize its 44 million customers against the telecoms if they suspected they were throttling bandwidth from Netflix. Now, Netflix has agreed to pay Comcast, one of the largest ISPs in North America, for direct access to its network. This could be the death knell for the modern internet. The problem rests...

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New Study Links Tylenol Use to Birth Defect

The children of women who took acetaminophen, most commonly known as Tylenol, during their pregnancy are more likely to suffer from ADHD, according to a new study published in the journal JAMA Pediatrics. For years, Tylenol has been promoted as safe for women to consume during pregnancy. Acetaminophen manufacturers, Johnson & Johnson’s McNeil Consumer Healthcare being the most popular, are also having to answer for their failure to warn of the low threshold overdosage that can result in serious liver damage and failure. “Failing to warn patients of the dangers associated with a product needlessly puts patients at risk,”...

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The Lurking Disaster of American Education, Why Do We Work So Hard?

American schools are modeled to teach children that affirmation comes from achievement and that’s a dangerous model to follow. We’ve seen a general evacuation of interest in the humanities, in favor of more ‘profitable’ and ‘tangible’ studies. But along with that sea change, Americans are reporting more stress, less satisfaction, and earning less. So why do we work? Is our appreciation of education for hard skills misguided? During the past decade, enrollment rates in the humanities, e.g. English, philosophy, language, etc., have declined. At Stanford, it is reported that only 15% of the student population is enrolled in a...

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