Author: Justin Lane

Endo Pharmaceuticals to Pay Nearly $200 Million for False Marketing

“Failing to adhere to the safety and marketing standards put in place by the FDA can cause enormous risk to patients,” says Christopher Paulos, an attorney with the Levin, Papantonio law firm who practices in the areas of product liability, bad drug and False Claims Act litigation. “But time after time companies continue to put their own gains, their profits, before the safety and well-being of patients and consumers.” Last Friday, the Department of Justice announced that the pharmaceutical health companies Endo Pharmaceuticals and Endo Health Solutions would pay $192.7 million in order to resolve both criminal and civil...

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Non-traded REITs Destroyed Billions of Investor Funds

Non-traded REITs are dangerous investments for most. The lack of transparency surrounding the true value of the product and the often high fees and costs associated with the investment compound to solidify this position. Economists and commentators are continuing to investigate and speak out about these dangers. “Non-traded REITs are a favorite of some advisors because they can charge such exorbitant fees,” said Peter Mougey, a shareholder with the Levin, Papantonio law firm and director of the firm’s Business and Securities Litigation Departments. “Investors should avoid these products; the hidden fees and high costs make them a poor choice.” A report published this...

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Amazon’s Failure to Police Product Listings May Be Putting Customers at Risk

Amazon, the online retail giant responsible for a large portion of all online sales, is facing a growing wave of criticism for its failure to adequately monitor its website for potentially hazardous products. The failure to respond to customer criticism and still allow the continued sale of products that have been reported to be dangerous puts customers at a potential risk for harm. According to The Daily Dot: Since opening up its site to third-party sellers way in 2000, Amazon Marketplace has come to account for around 40 percent of all sales on the the website. But the company...

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The Rising Danger of “Low-T”

Aging brings with it many changes. In men, these changes can include decreased sexual drive, sluggishness and lowered acuity. These changes are part of a natural process that includes a reduction in the amount of testosterone that the body produces. Big Pharma corporations have seized on these natural changes, however, and created a disease that has come to be known as “Low-T”. But they also have a hidden danger for some men: increased risk of cardiac injury. A new article has been published that outlines the results of a study of men using prescription testosterone treatments. This study found...

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Did Boehringer Ingelheim Lie to the FDA About Pradaxa?

Boehringer Ingelheim, the manufacturer of the popular blood thinning agent Pradaxa, has been embroiled in litigation over the blood thinner for years. Recently filed discover documents have revealed that the company made an internal effort to cover up the potentially life threatening dangers associated with its product and the need for additional testing of those that had been administered the drug. The emails expose that the company had an internal dialogue where employees expressed concerns about the aggregating effect of Pradaxa in a patients blood and the need to continue monitoring a patient’s levels to try and prevent cardiac...

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