Author: Justin Lane

Telecom Lobby Trying to Outlaw Local ISPs

Last week, a bill was introduced to the Kansas legislature that would have a devastating effect on the growth and implementation of local fiber and municipal broadband in the state, if passed. According to Ars Technica, the bill was introduced by John Federico on behalf of the Kansas Telecommunications Association, which is a lobbying group. Its members include Comcast, Time Warner, Cox, and Eagle Communications. The bill outlaws locales from providing “video, telecommunications, or broadband service; or purchase, lease, construct, maintain, or operate and facility for the purpose of enabling a private business or entity to offer, provide, carry,...

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Todd Kincannon is a Jerk

Tea party activist, attorney and former executive director of South Carolina’s GOP, Todd Kincannon, decided to hoist his arrogant opinion of Wendy Davis into the public light. He took to Twitter, to attack Ms. Davis calling her a whore among many other references. The best thing about the Wendy Davis fiasco is this: It proves that you can still call a whore a whore. Feminazis ain’t won yet, my friends. — Todd Kincannon (@Todd__Kincannon) January 23, 2014 Wendy Davis stimulates the kneepad economy. And a lot of penises. RT @Shadowboxer50 I wonder how many knee pads she went through...

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Two Men Convicted for Filing Over $3M False Claims with IRS

Two Michigan residents have been convicted by a jury of their peers for filing as much as $3.4 million worth of false claims for payment to the government. The conviction marks a resolution to the ongoing investigation into their fraudulent trust and income tax business, according to the Department of Justice. “Cheating the government by filing false claims for payment is actually just another way of robbing taxpayers,” commented Christopher Paulos, an attorney with the Levin, Papantonio law firm who practices in the areas of qui tam or whistleblower and False Claims Act litigation. The young men convicted, Jason...

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55 Bodies Excavated At Dozier School

The Arthur G. Dozier school for boys had been the scene of terrible violence and a host to the brutal mistreatment of many, before its closure in 2011. This week, an effort by the University of South Florida to excavate the bodies at the site, some of which are suspected to be remains of victims of the barbaric treatment, has uncovered 55 bodies. This is 24 more bodies than official records indicate should have been located at the site. To date, no criminal investigation has ever been conducted into the events that transpired at Dozier, despite allegations of rape,...

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Edward Snowden Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

This past year has seen a groundswell of interest and concern about the surveillance and spying programs employed by the U.S. at home and abroad. The most recent of these revelations has brought to light that any information on a cell phone may be vulnerable to U.S. spying efforts. This is just one of many insights afforded to the public by Mr. Edward Snowden. The United States is currently pursuing litigation against Mr. Snowden. The international community is currently seeking considering honoring him with a Nobel Peace Prize. “Edward Snowden has revealed the nature and technological prowess of modern...

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