Author: Justin Lane

Finra Looking to Target New Real Estate Market

The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (Finra) is looking to introduce rule changes for real-estate investment trusts (REIT) to the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) by the end of this year. The rule changes aim to increase the amount of information brokers and agents are required to disclose to investors regarding the products they offer. REITs have traditionally not been required to disclose present or real values to investors. This would often produce over inflated valuations of REITs that lacked depreciations for fees and the fall of the value of associated properties. “Investors should expect to be fully informed of the...

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Just to Clarify, Free Speech Isn’t Guaranteed on T.V.

Unfortunately for the Duck Dynasty crowd, free speech doesn’t include saying whatever you want wherever you want. Earlier this week, Phil Robertson made some comments expressing his distaste for homosexuals. Since then, the Right has been up in arms over A&E “infringing” on Robertson’s right to say what he wants. The First Amendment cuts both ways though. A&E is not a public forum and Phil Robertson has no expectation that the network must adopt or endorse his anti-gay opinions. Beyond this, an often unremarked upon portion of the First Amendment protects the freedom to associate. This protection would also...

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American Prisons are Overcrowded and Unsafe, but Not If You’re Rich

America’s prisons face an ever-growing problem of overcrowding. The Inspector General has recognized the problems plaguing prisons as some of the most threatening to our American justice system. For most of us, this would mean that if we get convicted of a crime and sentenced to serve time, we are constantly facing a greater and greater threat to our safety. But this isn’t always true. For those of means, buying your way out of the prisons of the poor is as simple as signing a check. Back in 2007, the New York Times reported on a growing trend in...

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U.S. Tax Dodgers Have Until New Years to Turn Themselves In

As part of the ongoing efforts to combat individuals hiding funds from American taxation in Swiss bank accounts, Swiss banks have been offered immunity for their involvement in hiding the funds, so long as they reveal the accounts by New Years Eve. Seizing the opportunity, Politico reports that it has obtained letters expressing that Swiss banks are “quietly warning wealthy U.S. clients with secret accounts to come clean with the tax man in the next two weeks – or risk jail time.” Among the banks targeted by the government’s investigations are HSBC, Credit Suisse, and Julius Baer. These institutions...

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Just to Clarify, Limbaugh, Palin, & Napolitano, Pope Francis is not a Marxist

Pope Francis has been making waves since his ascension to the Papacy. Referred to by many as the internet’s darling, his increased social cache and ability to garner audiences is causing him to draw fire. Interestingly enough, the fire is coming from a few right-wing talking heads who fear that the pope may be taking a turn for liberalism. Sarah Palin “He’s had some statements that to me sound kind of liberal, has taken me aback, has surprised me.” Rush Limbaugh “This is pure Marxism coming out of the mouth of the pope. Unfettered capitalism? That doesn’t exist anywhere....

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