Author: Justin Lane

Despite Death & Profit Loss, Stryker Corporation Performance is “Solid”

Stryker Corporation reported a 13% reduction in stock value, which equates to millions of dollars, for the first quarter. Analysts comment that the reduced earnings are mostly due to the mounting number of lawsuits and increasing potential liability it faces for its recalled devices. The company produces orthopaedic devices, i.e. hip implants, and has been reporting profits north of $300 million quarterly since last year. While some were expecting the company to again report profits above $1 per share, many felt that these projections failed to appreciate the potential negative effect the company’s recent product recalls would have on...

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Two Barges Catch Fire and Explode in Mobile, Alabama

  At approximately 8:30 PM CDT Wednesday night, firefighters and Coast Guard officials responded to explosions in Mobile, Ala., after two fuel barges caught fire. The fire was extinguished by early Thursday morning and reports indicate that 3 individuals were taken to the University of South Alabama Hospital for treatment of burn-related injuries. The injured are reported to be in critical condition. The Coast Guard has closed the channel for one nautical mile around the barge as crews work to secure the barges. The ship initially exploded after a spark set off accumulated fumes as the ship contained and...

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Former Romney Intern Charged with Extortion and Stalking

Former intern under Mitt Romney, Adam Savader, has been arrested and faces charges for internet extortion and cyber stalking. The 21-year-old is accused of using Google Voice to send anonymous text messages to 15 women claiming that he had nude photographs of them and threatening to notify their friends and family unless the women sent him more photographs. According to the FBI’s press release, Savander sent links to some of the women to websites where nude pictures of them had been posted. The FBI was notified of the activity by the Ann Arbor Police Department which had received a...

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Bombing in Boston Gives GOP Reasons to Halt Immigration Reform

It only took the tragic events in Boston to get Republican leaders to reconsider their positions on immigration, but what they’re selling as movement is little more than an effort to repackage obstinance. John Boehner told Fox News, “If we fix our immigration system, it may actually help us understand who all is here, why they’re here and what legal status they have.” “We have a broken immigration system and, if anything, what we see in Boston is that we have to fix and modernize our immigration system for a lot of reasons … National security reasons, economic reasons....

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Blackout Monday: Why You Should Care About CISPA

As you may have noticed, hundreds of websites went dark today, protesting CISPA  in response to Anonymous’s call to resist the passage of the reincarnated act. We haven’t written on the subject yet, waiting to see how the damned act died. Unfortunately, many will not take note of the act, dismissing it as another non-threatening law passed to regulate nasty internet pirates and trolls – not threatening to well-meaning, ordinary individuals and distracted because of current tragedies (i.e. Boston Bombing, West Fertilizer Explosion) may let it become law. The act, which President Obama has stated he will veto if...

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