Author: Justin Lane

Anchorage Man Awarded $3.5 Million in Retaliation Case

Paul Blakeslee was awarded $3.5 million by a federal jury after the company he worked for, Shaw Environment & Infrastructure, Inc., (Shaw) fired him as retaliation for his exposing its anticompetitive and fraudulent practices. The company was provides materials and services to the government. Blakeslee was fired as part of an alleged “reduction in force” a day after his letter was received by the company’s CEO, James Bernhard. His letter explained to the CEO that the business had leased approximately $2 million of equipment without taking competitive bids. The product of this practice being the defraudment of the government...

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Ring of Fire’s Weekly Rewind

Stay up to date with Ring of Fire! Below are Ring of Fire’s top stories from the past week. Mainstream Media Mourns Punishment of Steubenville Rapists Two Steubenville, Ohio, high school football players were found guilty of rape yesterday by a Juvenile Court Judge. Trent Mays and Ma’lik Richardson were two of the high school students involved in the Steubenville rape scandal that went viral after the activist group, Anonymous, dedicated an entire blog to exposing evidence… Papantonio: Fox News Coming to Your Child’s Classroom New Research Claims Incretin Mimetics Drugs Increase Risk of Pancreatic Cancer The U.S. Food and...

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Microsoft Finally Speaks About NSLs

Following Google’s lead, Microsoft has released figures about the number of National Security Letters (NSL) that it receives. The full report from Microsoft can be found here. For those who are unfamiliar with NSLs, a brief overview. National Security Letters are instruments used by law federal law enforcement agencies to obtain data about users without a warrant. NSLs are usually accompanied with a gag order that prevents the entity being requested to release information from speaking publicly about the request. The use of the letters has been in controversy since its inception but received a major overhaul that saw...

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Corporate Oppression: Bullies of the World

When a corporation alleges that an individual has infringed its copyright, the assumption is that the individual has violated the copyright until it is proven otherwise. This assumption is not unique. Whether through national security letters, testing, monitoring your actions, or ridiculous prosecutorial overreach, the corporations, backed by legislation and government entities, make it standard practice to invade the privacy or sovereignty of individuals and their property while using extreme measures to protect its own. Last month at the Daytona 500 race, a horrible accident occurred in the final lap. Many people were injured. Fans, as is a common practice...

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Papantonio at Town Hall on Gun Violence

Earlier this month Ring of Fire Host Mike Papantonio spoke at a town hall engagement in Pensacola, Fl. The purpose of the forum was to discuss the issues facing our nation regarding gun violence. Mike Papantonio will speak at at least two more such engagements with dates to be determined. The video from the town hall is below. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3...

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