Author: Justin Lane

In Silence, FBI Spying On U.S. Citizens

The FBI can issue what are called National Security Letters (NSL) to requisition information on internet and telephone companies. These companies are often prevented from talking about these requests by the FBI. In an effort to encourage greater transparency, Google has worked with the Obama administration to disclose broad ranges of the number of requests the company has received. This is the first time numbers like these have been released. Google said, in its blog post on the subject, that the use of ranges was “to address concerns raised by the FBI, Justice Department and other agencies that releasing...

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Christie Wishes CPAC “All The Best” After GOP Snub

In another display of conservative intolerance, New Jersey Republican Gov. Chris Christie was snubbed by the GOP and lost his spot to speak at this year’s Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), which is being held next week right outside of Washington. After President Barack Obama provided relief funds for the Hurricane Sandy stricken New Jersey, Christie showed his thanks by appearing with the Democratic president. Usually known as being socially conservative, the governor later scolded his fellow Republicans for holding up the relief funds and it seems the GOP saw the CPAC as a perfect opportunity to snub Christie...

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Obama Seeks Post-Partisan, High Ground in the Face of the Sequester

Responding to the sequester cuts that are now coming into effect, the president is attempting to publicly reposition his administration above the party rancor in Congress. Justifying his position by pointing to the lack of progress he has seen from House Republicans in recent meetings, the president is committing to winning the House of Representatives in 2014 but stating that both sides need to come together and resolve the issues before them. “The president understands that to get anything done, he needs a Democratic majority in the House of Representatives,” said Rep Steve Israel (D-N.Y.). Will Obama’s new commitment...

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Obama Agrees, Cellphone Companies Are Wrong

In response to an online petition, with over 114,000 signatures, asking for reform regarding what is commonly know as “unlocking” a cellphone, the Obama administration agrees with the petitioners. The cellphone companies are wrong to prevent customers from the full use of their device(s). “It’s common sense,” says the administration, that when a consumer buys a device they are free to take that device to the carrier they desire, provided contractual obligations do not prevent it.  Apparently, up until now, common sense has escaped these companies and the Capitol. The full response is available here. According to the response,...

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Ring of Fire’s Weekly Rewind – Top News of the Week

Catch up with Ring of Fire. Below are the top stories from this past week. Papantonio: The Demise of Corporate-Controlled Media Mike Papantonio and Sam Seder discuss how the new, non-corporate media outlets that are overtaking traditional media sources are run by corporate interests. Jury hits Ethicon for $3.35 Million for Damages Caused by Prolift Pelvic Mesh Device … jury in Atlantic County, New Jersey awarded Ms. Linda Gross $3.35 million dollars for damages caused by the Prolift®, a transvaginal mesh device manufactured by Ethicon (a subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson) designed to treat Pelvic Organ Prolapse in women....

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