Author: Justin Lane

Ring of Fire’s Weekly Rewind – Top News of the Week

Keep up to date with the latest from Ring of Fire, review the top stories from the past week. 1) Anonymous May Save Democracy According to ABC Monday, a Mossad agent, known as “Prisoner X” was arrested in 2010 by the Mossad, Israel’s secret police, for leaking information regarding their operations. He was held under 24-hour surveillance. By the end of that same year, he was found dead in his cell, hanged. 2) Papantonio: US Supreme Court Majority Will Promote Racism The U.S. Supreme Court will be taking up the issue of Voting Rights in their current section, with...

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Inside the Minds of the GOP

We’ve long suspected that there’s something fundamentally different about the makeup of Republicans. Their denial of facts and the choice to outright ignore new information is hard to comprehend for most. How could teabaggers and others in the GOP deny the effects of climate change or evolution in spite of the overwhelming evidence supporting it? Another study came out recently that indicates what we’ve suspected: the brains of conservatives don’t function the same way liberal minds do. The report indicates that when discussing politics and bringing up new ideas, Republican minds reacted more in the areas of the brain...

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Reddit: A New Way to Collaborate

Reddit, a portmanteau of “read” and “it”, has, since its inception in 2005, grown from a simple aggregator of links on the web to one of the internet’s most unstoppable and indomitable beasts. The sites simple logo, the white alien that can be seen at the top of this post, has come to be known for the best and the worst of the internet. The reason for this is that Reddit, through its own organic growth (self-moderation), functions to intensify the scrutiny that is placed on subjects, whether those subjects be individuals, politics, places, ideas, regimes, foods, lolcats, anime,...

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Johns Hopkins Gyno Takes Secret Photos

The Baltimore Sun reported yesterday that both police and the Johns Hopkins board of trustees have opened inquiries into the alleged secret videotaping and photographing of almost 100 women being seen by John Hopkins staff. On Monday, Doctor Nikita A. Levy was found dead in his apartment of an apparent suicide, though the results of the autopsy are still pending, after having been dismissed from Johns Hopkins on Feb. 8. The case is being handled as an open criminal investigation by police as, allegedly, at least some of the photos were taken using a hidden camera on the top...

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Karl Rove Eaten by His Own

The number of ironies surrounding the Tea Party’s latest depiction of Karl Rove as a Nazi is almost too many to count. It was, after all, the Turd Blossom who, together with Lee Atwater, launched the so called “southern strategy.” That strategy was not novel at all from a world history perspective. In fact, virtually every fascist organization in the world that has ever gotten legs begins with a strategy similar to the “southern strategy.” It is where the elite industrialists first recruit a small core of totally devoted demagogues. Those demagogues are then assigned the task of rallying...

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