Author: Justin Lane

Fairfax Nursing to Pay $700,000 for Medicare False Claims

The Department of Justice reported last week that the Fairfax Nursing Center and its owners would pay $700,000 for knowingly submitting false claims to Medicare between January 2007 and December 2010. The Medicare fraud revolved around submitting claims for treatment that was not medically necessary or were otherwise not provided for as part of Medicare coverage. The overbilling of Medicare is a known problem the government responded to in 2009 when it announced the creation of the Health Care Fraud Prevention and Enforcement Action Team (HEAT). Since that time the Justice Department has recovered more than $11.3 billion under...

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The Rise of Citizen Media, The Death of Traditional News

Traditional media is dead. Media generated by users, content created by consumers, killed it. Fox News, CNN, ABC – the media old dogs – are being replaced by Twitter, Reddit, Wikileaks, Facebook, Youtube, Google+, and countless other sites that host user-created content. It’s more likely for a story to break on these alternative news sources than it is on the traditional ones because the alternative sources are better situated to break stories. They’re faster, more adaptable and literally, every consumer or viewer that accesses the content is a potential reporter. Hosting 24-hour cycles, traditional media has created the engine...

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Anonymous May Save Democracy

According to ABC Monday, a Mossad agent, known as “Prisoner X” was arrested in 2010 by the Mossad, Israel’s secret police, for leaking information regarding their operations. He was held under 24-hour surveillance. By the end of that same year, he was found dead in his cell, hanged. Israeli officials have announced they will perform an inquiry into the case. Today, independent groups of truth-seeking individuals make a stand against oppressive governments and private corporations (the line between which is ever narrowing). Big data, increased personal exposure on social networks, and “smart” advertising are putting privacy and security at...

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Ring of Fire’s Weekly Rewind – Top News Of The Week

Below is a recap of our stories from the past week.   Papantonio: Time For Harry Reid to Step Down (Video) Mike Papantonio appears on The Big Picture with Thom Hartmann to discuss the weak-willed Democratic leader of the Senate Harry Reid, and why, if he retains his leadership post, the Democrats will continue to lose battles against the Republican minority…   FDA To Merk: Make a Safer Osteoporosis Medication Than Fosamax Internal Merck company documents disclosed during the recent trial of Scheinberg v. Merck reveal that the United States Food & Drug Administration “incessantly requested” that Merck make...

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Ignorance of Fox News Knows No Bounds

Brian Kilmeade, Martha MacCallum and Bill Hemmer, who you can find on Twitter here: @kilmeade, @marthamaccallum, @billhemmer and let them know of your disapproval, dismissed Desiline Victor’s, the 102 year old woman who attended the State of the Union Address, wait to vote. Their collective sarcasm and irreverence on the issue is appalling. These pundits say that, despite her being held up as a victim she was happy to be there, happy to be an example. They’re right, she was happy to be there, she was happy to be an example – just not in the way they would...

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