Author: KJ McElrath

The “Mainstream” Media Finally Starts to Call Out the Private Health Insurance Industry: Yes, it IS Killing People

Those who follow independent news outlets such as the Ring of Fire network have probably heard of Wendell Potter. For those who have not, Potter is a former CIGNA executive-turned-whistleblower who, for the past several years, has been exposing the dirty little secrets of America’s for-profit health insurance industry. It is an industry that cannot be bothered to cover vital treatments for those who pay their premiums when those treatments cut too far into their bottom line – but has no problem paying its CEOs exorbitant salaries, operating private luxury jets, and installing solid gold plumbing fixtures in their...

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European Union Delays Vote on Glyphosate – What Will Happen if it is Banned?

Unable to reach a majority in this week’s voting, the European Union has postponed a vote on whether or not to renew licensing for glyphosate, the controversial herbicide implicated in a number of health and environmental issues. The day before the vote was taken, E.U. lawmakers called for a complete ban on glyphosate, citing fears of its carcinogenicity. At the same time, the European Commission (the E.U.’s executive branch) has been pushing for an extension of the license. If the E.U. Commission is unable to garner enough support from the European Parliament, Monsanto’s license will expire on December 15...

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The Empire Strikes Back: Monsanto Sues Arkansas Over Dicamba Restrictions; Meanwhile, the EPA Gives Farmers the Green Light to Use New Dicamba Formulation

Less than a month after the Arkansas Plant board approved a proposal to institute an annual five-month ban on the use of dicamba effective next April, Monsanto has filed a lawsuit in Pulaski County Circuit Court, seeking an injunction against enforcement of the new rule. Coincidentally, this lawsuit was filed only a week after the EPA announced that it will continue to allow farmers to use the controversial herbicide on Monsanto’s new dicamba-resistant GMO cotton and soybeans. According to Monsanto’s complaint, “The Plant Board’s arbitrary approach also has deprived, and if left unchecked will continue to deprive, Arkansas farmers...

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“100% Pure” Orange Juice is NOT Pure: Consumer Advocacy Group Reports Glyphosate Found in All Best-Selling Brands

You might want to think twice the next time you consider buying a can of “100% Pure” Orange Juice Concentrate. Recent tests by an accredited laboratory found glyphosate in every sample of orange juice they tested. Glyphosate is the active ingredient in the controversial herbicide Roundup, which an agency of the World Health Organization has determined is a likely carcinogen. Glyphosate has also been linked to autism and a number of other health problems. The laboratory tests were sponsored by the consumer advocacy group Moms Across America (MAA), which published a press release last week. The brands tested included...

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Former DEA Whistleblower Drops Bombshell: CONGRESS and the DoJ are Complicit in Creating Opioid Crisis

Over the past year, The Ring of Fire has presented a number of stories on America’s opioid addiction crisis and the role played by Big Pharma and major drug distributors. On October 15, however, a recent joint investigation by CBS 60 Minutes and the Washington Post confirmed what we have all long suspected: the drug industry has been enabled by complicit federal lawmakers. What is shocking, however, is that the Department of Justice – the nation’s top law enforcement agency – has been enabling these corporate criminals as well. According to whistleblower Joe Rannazzisi, DEA efforts to combat the...

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