Author: KJ McElrath

Govt. to Deduct Social Security Payments from the Elderly to Pay Their $18 Billion in Student Loans

Think you can live long enough for the government to forgive your student loans? Think again. In fact, the government says it will never forget or forgive, and instead will take it out of your Social Security check, each month. We have Congress to thank for that. As a result of legislation passed in 1996, people over the age of 65 can have their Social Security checks garnished to pay off student loans. According to a recent report by the Government Accountability Office, there are over 700,000 seniors on Social Security who are still paying on these loans –...

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Obamas Environmental Schizophrenia: Weird Beyond Belief

When it comes to climate change, President Obama talks a good game – but there is a serious disconnect between his words and the actions he says he’s willing to take. The “President’s Climate Action Plan” is certain to encounter stiff opposition from the fossil fuel industry whores in Congress (GOP lawmakers have already attacked it as being a “lawless crusade”) – but that’s the least of its problems.  Most of the plan involves “goals,” “incentives,” “leadership,” “negotiations,” “investments” and “partnerships.” However, it’s short on technical details. Part of the plan is about making adaptations and preparations for the...

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TX Public School Posts Made Up Quotes from Reagan, Bible, George Washington to Promote Christianity

Did you have any idea that our first President believed that government required God and the Bible in order to function? And are you familiar with the following quote from President Ronald Reagan? “Within the covers of the Bible are the answers for all the problems men face.”  Chances are you haven’t heard of either of these – because they’re both fiction. George Washington is better categorized as a Deist (rather than a traditional Christian), and Reagan never made such a statement about the Bible. It’s part of a strange indoctrination strategy at a small school district in eastern...

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Right-Wing Think Tanks Say Middle Class Are Doing Great and Should Thank the GOP For It.

Over the past several years, the top 1% have received nearly a quarter of all income gains, while those in the bottom 90% are fighting for less than half.  It’s an issue that the GOP would like to see go away. There’s little chance of that happening. Income inequality, caused by the most egregious capitalist excesses in ninety years, is the defining issue of the 2016 election. It’s not just because Bernie Sanders is speaking out, either.  Here is a quote from an article appearing last fall in Fortune magazine: “There’s evidence that rising inequality and many other intractable...

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Has America become too dumbed down for debates: 30 second sound byte the new standard

The first GOP primary forum “debate” – if it could be called that – was started the evening of Monday, August 3rd . Ten of the least unpopular members of the GOP were hand-picked by Fox, using criteria that didn’t sit well with Republican voters. Donald Trump was chosen to reign as King over this Court of Fools – but wound up boycotting the event because he disliked what a local newspaper had to say about him. Trump also thought there were “too many candidates.”  All-in-all, the first Republican “forum” amounted to little more than “a tale told by...

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