Author: KJ McElrath

Hillary Clinton Still Weak with Progressives, But Certainly Far Better than the GOP Candidates

Hillary Clinton may not be Progressives’ first choice, but considering the GOP alternatives, she looks very good, indeed. Most of us at Ring of Fire are pulling for Bernie Sanders, who could increase his support among women voters by adding Elizabeth Warren to the ticket. Nonetheless, this early in the campaign, nothing can be taken for granted.  Without trying to prognosticate, it behooves us to examine all possible outcomes. Hopefully, Clinton has been taking note of the Sanders campaign and realizes that she will have to move further to the left if she hopes to garner more voter support....

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America loves Bernie because he speaks his mind

Unlike many self-professed liberal Democrats, Bernie Sanders does not equivocate. Nor does he step back from his socialist views or cautiously tiptoe around the issues in order to appeal to the “middle.” The results: large, enthusiastic crowds at Sanders rallies (even in “red” states). Rising poll numbers. Increasingly desperate attacks from the right wing. Endorsements from unlikely sources. Even the mainstream corporate media is being forced to acknowledge his candidacy. What is the “mysterious” secret of Sander’s success? It’s so simple that most political analysts, commentators, pundits and other so-called “experts” can’t comprehend it. The concept is known as...

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Hillary’s Poll Numbers Against GOP Are Slipping: Should Progressives Be Concerned?

According to the latest opinion poll from the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute, Hillary Clinton’s poll numbers are falling behind in three potential battleground states. Before Bernie Sanders supporters start dancing a jig, however, they should understand that the opponents Clinton is trailing are Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio and Scott Walker. Progressives understand that under a Hillary Clinton Administration, the nation would, at worst, continue with the status quo. At best, a few things could change for the better (or at least be stopped from getting worse). On the other hand, an Administration under Bush III or Walker would be...

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More Americans Identify as Democrats, Yet Republicans Win Elections. What Can Be Done?

  Between a sluggish economy (for the 98%, at least) and President Obama’s falling approval ratings, the Democratic Party is in trouble. Even though nearly half of all Americans identify themselves as Democrats as opposed to the fewer than 40% who consider themselves Republicans, the GOP controls Congress and has captured the governor’s mansion in many states. At the same time, Republicans have tightened their hold on state legislatures and local offices. Democrats are worried that GOP momentum may continue for years, strengthening the GOP’s grip on power. They could be right. Both failure and success tend to feed...

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GOP’s Latest Talking Point about Bernie: “Sanders is a NAZI” – Ignorance sells well to low hanging fruit

A recent article appearing in the conservative National Review provides some measure of the right wing’s increasing desperation over Bernie Sanders’ surging popularity. The author accuses Sanders of being a “national socialist.” That term is the English translation of the German phrase Nationalsozialismus, the acronym for which is “Nazi.” Is he kidding?   Let’s set aside the fact that Sanders’ father was a Polish Jew who fled his homeland just before the outbreak of the Second World War and whose remaining family members were murdered in Nazi death camps.  How is Sanders’ brand of socialism in any way “nationalist”?...

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