Author: KJ McElrath

Bernie Sanders’ Record on Civil Rights Proves “Black Lives Matter”

During last weekend’s Netroots Nation Conference in Phoenix, both Bernie Sanders and fellow Democratic presidential hopeful, Martin O’Malley, were targeted by protestors for the Black Lives Matter Movement. Their demand: “a racial justice agenda that will dismantle, not reform, not make progress, but will begin to dismantle the structural racism in the United States.” Those were the words of Phoenix activist Tia Oso, National Coordinator for the Black Immigration Network and Black Alliance for Just Immigration (BAJI). The African-American protestors’ frustration and anger is completely understandable, particularly in light of recent events. However, one has to only look at...

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U.S. Forces El Salvador to Use Monsanto’s Inferior Seeds Before Getting Aid

In case you had any doubts about corporate control over the U.S. federal government, consider some recent foreign aid offers – and the conditions under which they were made. In September 2013, the Millennium Challenge Corporation’s Board of Directors signed off on a deal that would provide the impoverished Central American nation of El Salvador with $277 million over five years. What is the “Millennium Challenge Corporation”? The MCC is a “U.S. foreign aid agency” established under the Bush II Administration. Operating separately from the State Department and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the MCC was created...

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3.5 Million Americans are Homeless. 18.6 Million Homes are Empty. WHAT’s WRONG?

Over eighteen months ago, reported there were 18,600,000 vacant homes in the United States – enough for every homeless person in the country to have six. A similar report appeared on Huffington Post  in August 2010, and was the subject of discussion on a forum at two years later. It is now July 2015. What has changed? Very little. The ratio of empty homes to homeless people is still approximately six to one – and that doesn’t account for empty, unused government buildings that could be converted into housing. A large part of this situation can be...

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Beyond The Tipping Point: Scientists Say It’s Too Late to Stop Ocean Warming: What Does it Mean?

This month, the American Meteorological Society (AMS) issued a report entitled “State of the Climate in 2014.” Over 400 scientists from nearly 60 different countries have come to a grim conclusion: no matter what we do to reduce the emission of  greenhouse gases (primarily CO2, methane and nitrous oxide), ocean temperatures are going to keep rising. According to the report, concentrations of greenhouse gases in the planet’s atmosphere are at record levels. Carbon dioxide levels alone are approaching 400 parts per million. At the same time, surface temperatures throughout the world were higher in 2014 than they have been...

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GOP War on Planet Earth – Devastating Corporate Paybacks Snuck Into Legislation This Year

While the People’s attention has been focused elsewhere, GOP lawmakers have been busy continuing their ongoing attacks on environmental regulations and the laws protecting wildlife and endangered species. Their strategy is an old one.  Lawmakers attach “riders,” or unrelated provisions, to a piece of legislation that Congress has under consideration. This past year, an appalling number of GOP-sponsored riders have been designed to help out their fossil-fuel industry pimps at the expense of the planet. Here are some of the current highlights of the ongoing GOP War on Planet Earth: Section 511: Presented by Oklahoma Representative James Lankford, this...

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