Author: KJ McElrath

Legitimizing Bullying: The Trump Disease Spreads to Our Children

Back in April, a local news outlet in upstate New York reported that Democratic mayoral candidate for the town of Binghamton, Michael Treiman was forced to drop his bid against GOP incumbent Richard David when the sitting mayor’s supporters began issuing death threats against him and his family – and even attacked him physically. Welcome to Trumpworld. Of course, we all saw Donnie-boy’s bullying behavior while he was on the campaign trail – including his public mocking of a disabled reporter. His inexcusable and reprehensible behavior has been legitimizing similar behavior among his lower-order primate supporters across the board...

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Litigation Begins Against Big Pharma Over Opioid Epidemic – Will It Work?

Opioid addiction in the United States has reached crisis proportions. On one hand, Big Pharma has been getting very, very rich by pushing these drugs at every turn; on the other, the federal government, beholden to the pharmaceutical industry, has been ineffective at controlling the problem. The Drug Enforcement Agency took token action last fall, ordering pharmaceutical companies to cut back on opioid production, but this has had no meaningful effect on the crisis. Efforts have been undertaken at the state level, but the sheer magnitude of the problem and shortage of resources have overwhelmed state and local agencies....

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Stealing From Sick Children: Trump Family Used a So-Called “Charity” to Line Their Own Pockets

Eric Trump, Donald’s second-eldest son, is one of those who runs the Trump Organization. Until the end of last year, he was also head of the Eric Trump Foundation,  a so-called “charitable” organization that reportedly raises millions of dollars for the St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. For a decade, the organization held an annual “Eric Trump Foundation Golf Invitational” at the family’s Westchester National Golf Club in Westchester, New York, raising approximately $11 million for the hospital. How does he do it? According to Trump the Younger, it’s all about efficiency: because the Trump family owns the golf course,...

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Bannon Now Gets to Run White Supremacist Website Breitbart From the White House – Guess Who’s Paying For It?

The latest manifestation of the Trump Administration’s extreme and open corruption came to light last week when the jack-booted, goose-stepping, fascist white supremacist Steve Bannon was given dispensation to run the right-wing propaganda site Breitbart while on the government payroll. In essence, this means that US taxpayers will be footing the bill. Bannon wasn’t the only one to profit from Donald’s largess. Last week, the Washington Post reported that the Trump White House had granted “ethics waivers” to seventeen of his appointees – four of whom are former lobbyists. In addition to Bannon, beneficiaries include Reince Priebus and Kellyanne...

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Defying Trump, Hundreds of U.S. Mayors Commit to Upholding Paris Agreement

Despite appeals from his buddies at Exxon-Mobil and earlier indications that he might do otherwise, Commander-in-Thief Donald Trump has reneged on commitments made by the Obama Administration and pulled the U.S. out of the Paris Climate accord. Trump’s decision was egged on by 22 corrupt U.S. Senators who have received millions of dollars in bribes from the oil industry. In rejecting the climate deal, the U.S. joins only two other nations that did not sign on. One was Syria, still in the throes of a civil war – and the other was Nicaragua, which believes the agreement doesn’t go...

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