Author: KJ McElrath

Nationalism, not Racism, is Trump’s Plan to Win the White House – It Worked in France, Can it Work in the US

Last year, one of the most conservative political parties in France, the National Front Party (NFP) used a combination of nationalism and racism to take over the mayor’s office in twelve cities and over two thousand council seats at municipal governments across the country.  In addition, the NFP now has a quarter of France’s allotted seats in the EU Parliament. These gains have come as a shock and a surprise to people across Europe. Led by politician and party leader Marine Le Pen (daughter of NFP founder Jean-Marie Le Pen), the NFP has been leading the charge  to close...

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If The Federal Government Says Marijuana Has No Medical Value, Why Does it Hold a Cannabis Compound Patent?

Late last year, Congress quietly ended a war against medical marijuana that has gone on for over two decades. The provision was hidden inside a 1,600 page spending bill that Democrats and Republicans wrangled over for weeks. Under the law, federal agents are no longer allowed to raid medical marijuana dispensaries. Despite this, the official position of the Federal government is that cannabis “has no currently accepted medical use in treatment.” The Drug Enforcement Agency still categorizes marijuana with dangerous narcotics – and still refuses to acknowledge that the plant has any medicinal value. If this is the case,...

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Medical Marijuana Could Be a Miracle Cure for So Many – Yet Big Pharma is Trying to Stop It

Considering recent medical research on cannabis and its effectiveness as an alternative treatment, it would be surprising if Big Pharma wasn’t behind all the resistance to state laws legalizing marijuana. In Colorado and Washington, several municipal and county governments last year banned or restricted marijuana sales. Lawmakers across the country at both the federal and state levels continue in their efforts to ban all forms of cannabis – including strains used for medical purposes. Medical marijuana holds incredible potential to treat a range of symptoms and disease. This makes it a serious threat to Big Pharma and its profits....

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Flashback: Scott Walker and Wisconsin GOP Being Sued For Rigging Elections

The infamous gerrymander, a slimy creature that is largely responsible for GOP dominance over the past generation, continues to die off at an accelerating rate. It’s one extinction we don’t mind seeing – but it’s certainly putting the GOP on the defensive. First, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld a voter-approved law in Arizona taking the power of redistricting out of the hands of lawmakers and giving it to an independent, non-partisan committee. Less than two weeks later, the Florida High Court ordered the state’s legislature to redraw eight convoluted districts. Gerrymandering is now being challenged in Wisconsin. The case...

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Obama’s Nuclear Deal With Iran: Why the GOP Hate It

The big news this week is the historic agreement between Iran and the U.S. and its allies over the former’s nuclear program. It is the result of over a year and a half of tense and even grueling diplomatic wrangling that President Obama hopes will be the capstone of his foreign policy accomplishments as Executive. President Obama has stated he will use his veto power, should Congress attempt to derail the treaty. The history of Iran’s nuclear program goes back nearly six decades. In March of 1957, the Eisenhower Administration announced its “Atoms for Peace” Program. Ten years later,...

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