Author: KJ McElrath

The Republican Protestors Arrived, And Bernie Handled it Like a Champ

When Progressive Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders spoke in Arlington, Virginia last Thursday night (July 9), it was to yet another enthusiastic, supportive crowd in a room filled to capacity at the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association. There also was a number of anti-Sanders protesters – about twelve or so. It’s the first time any such protesters have been reported at a Bernie Sanders rally. And, so far, only one media outlet has even reported on it – the right-leaning Washington Examiner. It’s not unusual for a political candidate to attract protesters. In most cases, particularly in recent history, such...

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Koch Brothers Expand Their Corrupt Politics Globally: Environment, Energy, Trade

Self-styled kings, their Royal Majesties Charles and David Koch, are now seeking to expand their empire abroad. After succeeding in the US at buying democracy, controlling education, stealing resources, dismantling environmental protections, and blocking attempts to replace fossil fuels with renewable energy sources, they have now embarked on their conquest of Europe. So far, what they’ve spent on lobbying E.U. Governments is chump change compared to the billion dollars they’ve planned to “invest” in the current U.S. elections. According to the E.U. Transparency Register, that figure for 2014 is just over $335,000 USD (about €300,000). But according to another...

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Greek Population Suffering at Hands of Germany Again – Flashback to WWII

In exchange for a modest write-off of Greece’s debt, creditors – led by Germany – have demanded “harsh austerity measures.” In other words, screw the poor and the middle class. They’re going to pay for it all. Health Care? Forget about it – those who can’t pay can go somewhere and die. Education? Hell, they can’t even pay for professors! Pensions that people worked for all their lives? Sorry, Károlos – that money is needed to pay off a country that invaded and ran roughshod over the country about 75 years ago – after which a bunch of their...

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Pope Francis’ Environmental Concerns Convince Catholic Investors to Pull Out of Fossil Fuels

In the wake of Pope Francis’ call on people of the world to start taking better care of the planet, Roman Catholic institutional investors are pulling their money out of fossil fuels. Catholic executives who sit on boards of directors at major corporations are also speaking out at meetings. These actions come in the wake of an official 183 page letter, or “encyclical,” in which His Holiness calls for an end to the use of fossil fuels. The encyclical was issued earlier this year. In it, Pope Francis writes: “Humanity is called to recognize the need for changes of...

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Exxon Knew About Climate Change 35 Years Ago And Spent Millions Bribing Scientists to Keep it Secret

Over the decades, Exxon-Mobil, the largest oil company in the world, has brought us oil spills from Alaska to Nigeria, engaged in illegal bribes and dealings with foreign governments, and enabled human rights violators. Of course, this “Corporate Person” denies all of it – just as it has been denying the effects of its products on global climate change for the past thirty years. It was more than just denial: it was outright lies and deception, all in the name of preserving profits. Those lies and deceptions have been going on for more than a generation – and it...

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