Author: KJ McElrath

What Does Fundamentalism have to do with Abuse? Understanding “Religious Trauma Syndrome”

According to psychologist and family therapist Dr. Marilyn Winell, religion – at least that of the fundamentalist Christian variety – is often a tool for control and domination. Several years ago, Dr. Winell identified a psychological disorder she has labeled “Religious Trauma Syndrome,” or RTS. Many over the centuries have recognized that religious dogma, with its threats of hell and insistence that we are “unworthy” in the eyes of a stern, patriarchal father-figure (not a mother), can be misused to force obedience and conformity. According to an article by Dr. Valerie Tarico, herself an ex-evangelical Christian who interviewed Dr....

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Obama’s Lame Duck Fire Sale to Corporations and Banks

Now that President Barack Obama is a lame duck president, he’s having no problem revealing himself as a corporatist. In doing so, he has alienated his once-loyal Progressive base while embracing the agenda of the opposition party that has done nothing for the past eight years but criticize and attack him, stand in his way, and undermine him at every turn. Traitor Democrats who have enabled Obama will be facing Progressive challengers in the 2016 House and Senate races. If Bernie Sander’s ongoing campaign is any indication, we could see a significant and positive change in our leadership. How...

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NY Times Wanted to Ignore Bernie. They Couldn’t. So They Attack Him

The last time a true Progressive ran for executive office, the mainstream corporate media simply ignored him and even shut him out of the debates. The year: 2008. The candidate: Dennis Kucinich. Eight years later, we have another true Progressive in Bernie Sanders – and this time, the corporate media finds it cannot ignore him. Case in point: the New York Times. However, rather than the saying being “If You Can’t Beat Them, Join Them”, the saying is “If You Can Beat Them, Attack Them.” When Sanders announced his candidacy back in April, the NY Times managed to make...

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Illegal Immigration and Violence in America – The Facts and GOP Strategy

For the past several months, the GOP has been attempting to whip up hysteria in America over illegal Mexican immigrants; using inflammatory terms such as drug pushers, rapists, murderers, and worse. Why? What could be causing the GOP to make such extreme statements, and how could they possibly believe it will increase their chances of reclaiming the White House? The purpose of this article is to address the objective facts as to whether Mexican immigrants are taking our jobs, selling illegal drugs to our children, raping our women, and murdering innocent people. Should America shut down the Mexican border,...

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Why Does Clarence Thomas Hate Black People?

By all indications, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has nothing but contempt for his fellow African-Americans – and the feeling is mutual. They’ve called him “Uncle Tom,” describing Thomas as a “token black” and “the worst Negro in America.”  It’s not surprising; his record on voting rights, affirmative action and a host of other issues that directly affect black people in the U.S. reveal him as the worst kind of hypocrite. In 2013, he voted with his fellow right-wingers to  remove part of the Voting Rights Act, effectively allowing states (particularly Southern ones) to disenfranchise black voters. In 2014,...

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