Author: KJ McElrath

Corruption: Tillerson Was In The Room When Exxon Signed a Deal With the Saudis

In the shadow of the Trump Administration’s recent twelve-figure arms deal with Saudi Arabia, Exxon-Mobil – the company of which current “Secretary of State” Rex Tillerson was CEO before resigning to take his current position – signed its own deal with the Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SBIC). The deal involves a feasibility study of a facility near Corpus Christi, Texas that would employ high heat and pressure in order to convert natural gas into plastics. Once up and running, the facility will be the largest fracking operation in the world. The plant would be jointly owned by Exxon-Mobil and...

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Trump Appropriates Honor Bestowed on Someone Else and Uses It As His Personal “Brand”

Traditionally, a coat of arms is an honor bestowed upon a person for exemplary service to others, or for another notable achievement. This was the case for early 20th Century lawyer and diplomat Joseph E. Davies (1875-1958), who had a long and distinguished career in civil law, politics, and diplomacy. Davies was honored by many governments in Europe and Latin America for his work. So why is a hack like Donald Trump, a spoiled, impudent man-child who never earned a damned thing in his life, has never served anyone or anything but his own bloated ego and selfish interests,...

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Trump Administration Attempting to Justify Jared Kushner’s “Back Channel” Russian Contacts

Now that it is getting increasingly difficult for the Trump Crime Family to cover up and deny its Russian connections, they’re trying a new tack: it’s all okay. Ever since investigations started, Trump and his enablers have insisted there is “no evidence of collusion.” So far, there has been evidence that former security adviser Michael Flynn, who had an illegal telephone conversation in December with Russian ambassador Sergei Kislyak and received more than $65,000 in payments from Russian companies. There have also been revelations of Russian attempts to recruit a U.S. businessman who worked on Trump’s campaign, and a possible...

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Amazon Shares Double Walmart’s – Time to Focus On How The Company Mistreats Employees

A lot of people are probably wishing they’d dropped a chunk of change on shares of an obscure little company called Amazon back around 1998 when those shares were selling for around $18 apiece. Even those who dumped their Amazon shares around the turn of the century during the bursting of the “dot com bubble” are having regrets now that a share of the company’s stock is selling for $1000. It’s not the only one, but Amazon is in rare company; currently, only three other publicly-traded companies have shares selling for $1000 or more. As a retail operation however,...

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New York State Appeals Court to Exxon-Mobil: “Hand Over Those Records”

After fighting subpoenas on grounds of jurisdiction, Exxon-Mobil has been told that it will have to turn over records to New York’s attorney general, Eric Schneiderman, that could reveal just how much the oil company giant knew about global climate change and the part played by fossil fuels. The investigation was sparked by questions about a decision Exxon-Mobil executives made not to “write down” the value of its oil fields (in other words, declare them less valuable). In the wake of a collapse in oil prices, virtually every other major oil company had taken advantage of such “write-downs.” It...

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