Author: KJ McElrath

The South Carolina Racist Murderer was just that – a loser, hate-filled, racist

What we know about the 21-year-old Dylann Roof who cowardly gunned down nine innocent people (including six women) is that he was a hate-filled loser who couldn’t come to grips with his own existence. Those who claim to know Roof describe someone who was generally at the fringe of society – not necessarily an outcast, but generally unremarkable and unmemorable. A classmate from high school, John Mullins, reports remembering that he was known for making racist comments. He told Daily Beast that “he had that kind of Southern pride…strong conservative beliefs,” adding that Roof “made a lot of racist...

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“Certified Humane” Chicken Corporation Tortures Chickens for Amusement – Caught on Video

In recent years, increasing numbers of people are paying attention to where their food comes from and how it is produced. Those who still eat meat and poultry are turning away from “factory farms.” These consumers are seeking out free-range beef and chicken as well as pork from smaller facilities where the animals are at least treated humanely and slaughtered painlessly. They are willing to pay higher prices for “Certified Humane” meat products. It’s something of which big commercial food processors have taken note. But what does that “Certified Humane” label really mean? It’s a good question. California-based Foster...

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AT&T Has Intentionally Slowed Down Service to a Crawl for Customers with Unlimited Plans

Sometimes, when a corporate “person” uses its size and power to grab as much market share as possible, it can come back to bite it in the ass.  AT&T, one of a small handful of megalithic telecom giants dominating the market, is finding this out the hard way. It began in 2007 with the eagerly-anticipated release of Apple’s iPhone. It was possibly the greatest revolution in telecommunications since the wireless telegraph – and it was a “must have” for millions. Seeing the market opportunity, AT&T decided to team up with Apple by offering users “unlimited data plans.” Back in...

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“Love The Fetus, Hate The Child”

Fans of talk show host Randi Rhoades, who sadly left the airwaves in 2014, may recall that she frequently used that term in describing the most contemptible form of hypocrisy on the part of Republican politicians. It’s an issue that comes up frequently, and the hypocrites need to be called out on it at every opportunity. The most recent example of this was demonstrated by Florida governor Rick Scott – a politician so utterly corrupt that he makes “Boss” Tweed and Albert (“Teapot Dome”) Fall look like Abraham Lincoln by comparison. Earlier this month (June 2015), Governor Scott literally...

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Did Christie Really Say that College Girls Can Sell Themselves to Pay Tuition?

The headline of an article on the political news website features the following quote, attributed to New Jersey governor and one-time presidential hopeful Chris Christie: “College Girls Can Sell Themselves To Pay Tuition.” Our readers know all too well that today’s  Republican Party  is a “clown car.” The passengers include (among other types), misogynists, Mussolini-type corporatists, theocrats, psychotics and a wide range of delusional individuals. Christie certainly fits in with this crowd, but did he really suggest that young women prostitute themselves in order to finance their college education? Not exactly. It depends on one’s definition of “prostitution.”...

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