Author: KJ McElrath

As Ice Melts From Global Warming, Ancient, Deadly Viruses Are Waking Up

Under normal conditions, anthrax is a rare disease – and almost unheard of in colder, northern climates. However, an unusual heat wave in Siberia’s Arctic Yamal Peninsula region last summer resulted in an outbreak that claimed the life of a 12-year-old boy and sent twenty more to the hospital for treatment. It was the first such outbreak in over 75 years – and scientists are gravely concerned that it is a harbinger of things to come. Currently, temperatures in the Arctic are rising three times faster than the rest of the planet. This is not only threatening wildlife, it...

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How International Banking Institutions Aid and Abet Terrorism: Money Laundering, Part 1

The next front in the “War on Terror” has been opened. The new battlefield is the courtroom, and the ground troops fighting the battle are the civil trial lawyers. The new primary target in this front is the financial industry. On one side are plaintiff law firms representing American veterans and civilian contractors who have suffered injuries because of state-sponsored terrorist acts. One the other side are corporate trial lawyers who represent financial institutions such as HSBC, UBS and others that have aided and abetted those actions. Before bombs can be planted and roadside explosives put into place, someone...

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Last Nuremberg Prosecutor Alive Offers 2017 Advice – “You Shouldn’t Be Despairing”

At the age of 97, Romanian-born American lawyer Benjamin Ferencz has seen a great deal – including the worst of humanity. Today, with the rise of right-wing extremism around the world, virulent racism, capitalism run amok and religious fundamentalism of all stripes, it’s easy to lose heart.  However, in a recent interview on CBS “60 Minutes,” Ferencz shared some perspective that helps us realize that as grim as things are now, they have been far worse – yet the world has survived (and even thrived). Ferencz was born in the Transylvania region of present-day Romania in 1920. His family fled ...

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Extreme Religion Being Used All Over to Justify Oppression & Neglect

One interesting and seemingly contradictory thing about right-wing extremist politics is how comfortably it walks hand-in-hand with religious fundamentalism. In this country, we’ve seen heartless, hypocritical “elected” officials justify their equally cruel and heartless policies in the name of Jesus. Here are three examples: Oklahoma Republican lawmaker George Fraught is pushing a bill that would force a rape victim to give birth to her rapist’s child, because he considers forcible rape to be the “will of God.“ GOP Alabama congressman Mo Brooks, defending “Trumpcare,” says that people who “lead good lives” don’t have pre-existing conditions. Meanwhile, Pennsylvania state Representative...

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Kushner Family Parades Their White House Son To Sell Visas to Rich Chinese Investors

The sister of Donald Trump’s White House Adviser and son-in-law, Jared Kushner has been busy letting wealthy Chinese investors know that for the low, low price of $500,000, they can simply walk right in, sit right down, and enjoy all the benefits of U.S. residency without having to bother with going through that pesky immigration process required of everyone else seeking entry to this country. This should come as no surprise, given the clear fact that Donald Trump is a demonstrated liar as well as a contemptible hypocrite. While his Administration has been busy deporting hard-working immigrants who actually contribute...

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