Author: KJ McElrath

Heartless Heath Care Bill Barely Passed the House – Faces Tougher Road in the Senate

We all heard the big news yesterday as Paul Ryan, sucking up to the ironically-named “Freedom Caucus,” managed to ram through a heartless, self-serving, and downright evil bill that does nothing but deprive 24 million Americans of their health care coverage, drive up costs exponentially for individuals over the age of 50, consigns those with “pre-existing conditions” to the funeral home, and guts the Medicaid system. The bill does all of that while also eliminating certain taxes for those lucky people whose incomes are in excess of $200,000 a year and make their money by simply watching dividend checks to...

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Flint Residents Being Extorted by the City to Pay Water Bills For Poisoned Water

Would you pay for a product both you and the manufacturer or supplier knew to be toxic and dangerous to your health? Particularly when that choice of product was forced on you, and you were given absolutely no alternatives? That’s what the City of Flint, Michigan is expecting of its residents – and they are threatening to throw them out of their homes if they don’t pay up now. In April 2014, as part of a “cost-cutting” plan, the City of Flint, Michigan switched its water supply from Lake Huron to the Flint River – a decision that has...

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Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Requests Bankruptcy Protection: Now the Battle with Wall Street Begins

In a move by the Federal government that the Wall Street Journal describes as “unprecedented,” a federal oversight board created by the U.S. Congress is putting the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico under bankruptcy protection, invoking what is known as “Title III.” This is a debt restructuring plan that is carried out under the auspices of the court. It is similar to Chapter 9 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code, which is used by municipal and county governments as well as other public institutions and entities. The most famous example of a Chapter 9 bankruptcy proceeding was that of Detroit, which...

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Selling Out: How and Why the “Moral Majority” Did a 180 on Trump

People in their 30s and 40s today probably remember the outrage among evangelicals and conservative Christians over then-President Bill Clinton’s “sexcapades” in the late 1990s. In September of 1998, the Right Reverend Pat Robertson went on a self-righteous rant, declaring that Clinton had “debauched, debased and defamed” the office of the Presidency, turning the White House into a “playpen for the sexual freedom of the poster child of the 1960s.” Less than two decades later, the U.S. has a president whose sexual morals and attitudes toward women make Bill Clinton look like the most noble, chaste, and chivalrous Sir...

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Trump’s Cozy Relationship With Duterte Is All About Business & Revenue

Over the weekend, Trump had a “very friendly conversation” over the phone with murderer and human rights abuser Rodrigo Duterte, president of the Philippines. During that conversation, the POTUS extended an invitation to visit the White House without so much as a word to either the State Department or the National Security Council, as is normal procedure. Even though Duterte apparently has a ‘hair appointment‘ that day and may have to give it a miss, the invitation stunned human rights advocates and Trump’s critics as well as members of his Administration. In the face of public criticism, Donnie-boy is...

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