Author: KJ McElrath

Another “War On Drugs” FAIL: 24,000 Drug Convictions in Massachusetts Overturned

Thanks to a chemist who built her career on lies and deception, approximately 24,000 people – a large number of whom wrongfully convicted for illegal drug possession – wound up serving prison sentences. They wound up with convictions that will haunt them for the rest of their lives, affecting their ability to get decent jobs and decent housing. This week however, the American Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts announced that over 21,000 of those convictions will be overturned and dismissed. In a press release, the state organization’s legal director, Matthew Segal, described it as a “major victory for justice...

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Talcum Powder Litigation: Johnson & Johnson Lawyers Up for Round 5

After winning the fourth trial in talcum powder litigation, pharmaceutical giant and habitual corporate offender Johnson & Johnson has beefed up its defense team as it goes into Round 5 in its long-running and ongoing legal battle to avoid responsibility for consumer injuries and deaths. Heading the J&J team is Orlando Richmond, a leading corporate defense attorney with an impressive background that includes three years as a Marine Corps judge advocate. In the plaintiff’s corner, representing ovarian cancer victim Lois Slemp of Virginia is Allen Smith, a member of the Talc Litigation Group whose track record as an advocate...

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The One Promise We’re Glad to See Trump Break – U.S. Staying In Paris Climate Agreement?

For all his psychological instability, there is one aspect of Trump that is comfortingly predictable: he can be counted on to backpedal on virtually every campaign promise he has made. Whether it’s because he is a pathological liar or that his mouth has been writing checks that his Administration can’t cash, it is patently obvious that he is, and always has been, a fraud. But, as Wilson Rawls wrote in his classic 1961 children’s novel, Where The Red Fern Grows, “There is a little good in all evil.” Case in point: pulling the U.S. out of the Paris Climate...

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Ivanka Meets Chinese President & Gets Three New Trademarks In China On The Same Day

Last November, in the wake of the sad joke of an election that put the Trump Dynasty in the White House, the Washington Post predicted that his entire thieving family would be using their patriarch’s position to pad their already-bulging pockets: “we could see the president enriching himself and his family on a scale that we normally associate with post-Soviet kleptocrats and Third World dictators.” Well, whatever Donnie-boy himself may or may not be doing, his offspring have wasted no time in taking advantage of their new status. Two weeks ago, daughter Ivanka sat down to a “state dinner”...

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Study Shows It Actually WAS Racism That Helped Trump Win

Tuesday, November 8th, 2016 – another day that will live in infamy – still has most Americans asking, “How could this happen?” After eight years of hard-won progress that followed the dark, regressive Bush II Administration, we are once again being dragged backwards into what is shaping up to be Orwell’s worst nightmare. Although there are many causes for this travesty – a dysfunctional electoral system, gerrymandering, corruption of Big Money, and alleged interference from a foreign government – the major reason is something that has existed in this country practically since the first European settlers arrived: virulent racism....

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