Author: KJ McElrath

There’s Hope For The Rest of Us as the Right-Wing Wolves Turn On One Another

With Mad Emperor Trump in the Oval Office, the right-wingers in Washington have been having a field day as they ram their corporatist agenda down America’s collective throats – but for all their bluster, strutting, and lording it over the rest of us, how successful have they been so far? The answer: not very much. And if things keep going the way they are, it’s a good bet that the latest GOP “Revolution” is going to eat its own. True, they’ve been able to chip away at President Obama’s legacy through use of the Congressional Review Act (CRA). During...

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Thanks to Trump, Old King Coal is Back in Business

Donald J. Trump has been working overtime (when he’s not on vacation or playing golf) to undo every single environmental protection put in place by President Obama – and once again, Old King Coal is a merry old soul. Right now, in a move that wouldn’t have even been considered six months ago, the pimps at the American Coalition for “Clean Coal” Electricity (ACCCE) are now deep in negotiations with their prostitutes in the governor’s mansion and the legislature of an “unnamed state” over the construction of a new, coal-fired power plant. This comes at a time when coal-fired...

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Profiting From Poverty: Landlords Contributing to Homelessness (and Getting Rich in the Process)

The common meme from Republican politicians – which many of them justify with narrow and literal interpretations of certain passages in the Old Testament – is that those living in poverty are poor because they are immoral, weak, lazy and irresponsible. Either that, or they’re simply not smart enough to keep up with the frequently changing 21st-Century workplace. Like so much right-wing rhetoric, this is at best a gross over-generalization, and at worst, is total and complete B.S. In fact, poverty continues to exist because it is making a few people at the top very, very rich. Like usual,...

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A Silver Lining For the SCOTUS: Why The GOP is Going to Regret The “Nuclear Option”

It’s over and done. In an act of the rankest hypocrisy, the GOP senate which filibustered the moderate Supreme Court nominee put forth by the Obama Administration, has rammed through a die-hard, right-wing corporatist who values corporate profits above human life. They have done so by ending the filibuster – a move known as the “nuclear option.” Now, the Supreme Court is stacked in favor of corporate “people” for the next 40, perhaps 50 years. We can expect that natural humans in the U.S. will continue to become more inconsequential and even disposable when weighed against corporate interests. This is...

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Trump’s Syrian Strike Just the Latest In a Long String of Wars Fueled By Greed

Like George W. Bush in 2002, Donald Trump has decided to make himself look “Presidential” by launching unauthorized military strikes in the Middle East. What is particularly frightening is the fact that the incredibly corrupt GOP Congress has no intention of reining him in or holding him accountable. What is really fascinating, however is how glaringly apparent it has become that America’s entire involvement in the Middle East has nothing to do with “freedom” or – as was supposedly the case in last week’s missile attack – in retaliation for Syrian dictatir Bashar al-Assad’s attacks on his own people....

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