Author: KJ McElrath

Big Pharma Co. Lobbies Against Legal Weed – So It Could Market Its Own Synthetic Version

Last year, backers of an Arizona initiative to legalize recreational marijuana ran into stiff resistance from a large pharmaceutical company. Opponents of Proposition 205 got a huge boost from drug company Insys Therapeutics in the form of a $500,000 donation. At the time, an Insys spokesperson said the company was opposing legalization because “it fails to protect the safety of Arizona’s citizens, and particularly its children.” However, the real reason, which was made official last week, was because Insys didn’t want competition. Insys’ new synthetic marijuana drug, Syndros, was given a green light by the FDA, as well as  preliminary approval...

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Unholy Trinity: Big Pharma, Corporate Media & Academia Conspire to Keep Drug Prices High

If you’re wondering just how Big Pharma is trying to justify its outrageous price hikes on life-saving prescription medications and getting away with marketing defective medical devices and dangerous drugs, just look to the Corporate Mainstream Media. The dirty little secret is that board members of virtually all major pharmaceutical corporations also sit on the boards of major media companies – broadcast and Internet news, print media, public relations firms and even social media companies. They have one job: to make Big Pharma look good. Furthermore, faculty members of major universities are now getting in on the scam. This...

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Big Pharma Give Doctors Big Speaking Fees to Prescribe Untested & Overpriced Drug

For going on three years now, Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals has been making a very nice chunk of change from the federal Medicare program – more than half a billion dollars, in fact. This sizable revenue comes from sales of a drug that is prescribed by fewer than one in a hundred physicians, has never been through clinical trials, and is far more expensive and unreliable than other readily available alternatives. The name of the drug is Acthar, short for “adrenocorticotropic hormone” (ACTH). It is made from corticotropin, which is taken from the pituitary glands of pigs. In medicine, Acthar is used...

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Texas Law Allows Doctors to Lie to Pregnant Women to Block Abortions

The patriarchal, hypocritical GOP is at it again, chipping away at a woman’s right to reproductive freedom under Roe v. Wade – this time, in the name of protecting doctors from “frivilous” lawsuits. What is coming to be known as the “Wrongful Birth” bill came one step closer to becoming law this week as Texas SB 25 passed out of the state Senate and went to the House. If signed into law by Governor Abbot – which, given his archaic political stances, is almost certain – it would essentially give OB-GYNs the legal right to lie to expectant mothers by...

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Has the Deep State Turned its Gaze to Mike Pence?

Last week, I presented a story on how the intelligence community is far more concerned with staying employed than protecting the country. Its members will go to ludicrous lengths toward that end, even to the point of starting wars and staging coups. Last week, Wikileaks founder Julian Assange sent out a tweet claiming that a pair of intelligence community operatives “close to Pence” have “stated privately this month that they are planning on a Pence takeover.” Assuming this is true, what would be in it for the intelligence community? Consider Trump’s conciliatory stance on Russia. Trump has repeatedly expressed...

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