Author: KJ McElrath

The CIA’s Primary Objective is to Preserve Its Own Existence, Not to Protect U.S. Citizens

According to retired New York Times reporter David Binder in 1971, President Harry Truman’s primary motivation in signing the National Security Act of 1947 which the CIA was to prevent another Pearl Harbor. Binder wrote: “The concept, had its origin in the failure of American intelligence services to coordinate signals warning of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941.” Truman believed that by coordinating government intelligence efforts, such events might be prevented in the future. However, as we saw on September 11th, 2001, that hasn’t worked out so well. In fact, much of the time, the CIA’s right hand doesn’t...

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They’ve Been Watching You for a Long Time: A Brief History of the Surveillance State

The Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, implemented only two years after that document became law of the land, clearly states: “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.” This seems to mean little to intelligence agencies under recent administrations, particularly since revelations of the CIA’s ability to spy on our every move...

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Executive Order #12333: Reagan, Bush & Obama Pave the Way to Surveillance Overreach

Last week, following the release of Wikileaks’ Vault 7 documents, the CIA issued a statement intended to reassure Americans. The statement said that the agency is “legally prohibited from conducting electronic surveillance targeting individuals here at home, including our fellow Americans,” adding that the “CIA’s activities are subject to rigorous oversight.” Considering the CIA’s reported ability to hack into our cell phones, our computers, and even our smart TVs, it is very easy to be skeptical of that statement. However, let’s assume that the CIA is as good as its word. That does not mean that other intelligence agencies haven’t...

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CIA Instability: Did Vault 7 Data Come From Disgruntled Contractors?

In the wake of Wikileaks’ “Vault 7” bombshell, FBI and CIA investigators are now questioning a handful of contractors formerly engaged by the nation’s top intelligence agency. According to those familiar with the case, the contractors in question may have leaked sensitive information because they were upset over losing their jobs. This is part of an unfolding investigation into how the documents came into Wikileaks’ possession. The FBI started looking into the matter last week, starting with attempts to determine whether the leaks came from within the CIA itself, or from outside. Although the CIA has not yet confirmed...

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Vault 7 Report Indicates That the CIA Could Be Behind ‘Russian’ Hacks

When information about possible Russian interference in U.S. elections started coming out in the wake of Trump’s disastrous victory, the majority who voted against him wanted to believe it. As news about Trump’s Russian connections began to spread, they wanted to believe that as well. The problem is, there have been a lot of allegations, but little in the way of solid evidence – and now, in light of recent revelations from Wikileaks about CIA hacking abilities, it is increasingly possible that we’re all being set up by our own intelligence agencies. According to the collection of documents known by...

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