Author: KJ McElrath

U.S. Spy Agencies Leave Americans Vulnerable to Hackers In the Name of “Protection”

If those of us who regularly use the Internet for work, recreation, shopping, and more find ourselves increasingly vulnerable to hackers, malware, spies and cyber-thieves out to steal our personal information, we have U.S. intelligence agencies to thank. Furthermore, those of us who employ encryption methods of our own in order to protect ourselves are considered potential threats to national security. This isn’t anything new. Agencies such as the CIA and the NSA have been hammering away at Internet security practically from the get-go, four decades ago when the infant computer network was known as ARPANET and was used primarily...

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President Trump Fails To See Difference Between His Team’s Meetings With Russia and Past Public Meetings by Dems

In a recent series of his endless paranoid rants, Donald Trump – whose Administration is under increasing scrutiny over its Russian contacts and alleged Russian interference with recent U.S. elections – posted pictures on Twitter of Democratic leaders meeting with Russian officials, calling them “hypocrites” and calling for investigations. Among those targeted were New York Senator Chuck Schumer, who actually had coffee and doughnuts with Russian President Vladimir Putin, and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, who met with Russian ambassador Sergei Kislyak and other Russian officials in 2010. News flash, Donnie: that is part of their job. Legislators regularly meet...

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Donald Trump Lies Again – No Controls on Drug Prices for U.S. Consumers

Remember when Donald Trump said that Big Pharma was “getting away with murder”? At that time, the pharmaceutical industry got very worried, with stock prices falling as a result. One drug company executive said, “When the president-elect says we’re going to negotiate drug pricing, you have to take that seriously.” Actually, you don’t. It turns out that as usual, Trump was lying through his teeth. Only six weeks after his inauguration, the Trump Administration has prevented a number of shareholder resolutions that would have forced a number of pharmaceutical companies to explain and justify their price increases. Not directly,...

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Trump Co. Sells Penthouse to Chinese-American Business Magnate and Power Broker

And so it begins. Just over a month into his so-called presidency, still refusing to separate himself from his many business endeavors and the potential conflicts of interest that go along with them, Donald Trump’s real estate company sold a condominium to Chinese-American business executive Xiao-Yan “Angela” Chen for nearly $16 million. Interestingly, that particular condo was never officially listed for sale. It just so happens that Ms. Chen is the founder and director of a consulting firm known as Global Alliance Associates, a “boutique business relationship consultancy for US companies seeking to establish a presence in mainland China.” Basically, any...

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Senator Richard Burr’s Conflict of Interest: How a Trump Sycophant is Destroying the Intelligence Committee

As Chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, GOP Senator Richard Burr of North Carolina has a clear conflict of interest that is threatening to derail any investigation of Donald Trump and his alleged ties to Russia – namely, he is one of Trump’s most devoted lapdogs. It helps to explain why Congressional Republicans recently killed a Democratic “Resolution of Inquiry” calling upon the Department of Justice to turn over all documents related to “criminal or counterintelligence investigations” involving Trump and any White House staff allegedly connected with Russia and his many business conflicts (as if the new Attorney General...

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