Author: KJ McElrath

Is the FDA Helping Companies Dodge Liability? Hernia Mesh Litigation Provides a Current Example

A disturbing piece of information has come up in the course of current litigation over the Ethicon Physiomesh hernia patch, suggesting that the Food and Drug Administration may be aiding and abetting the Johnson & Johnson subsidiary – whether by design or by accident. It is a loophole that Ethicon’s attorneys are attempting to use in order to “prove” that the defendant was not liable for patient injuries – and moreover, allows the corporate recidivist to cast itself in a positive light. Approximately one year ago, the law firm representing Ethicon sent a letter to plaintiffs’ counsel, accusing them...

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As Arkansas Moves Closer to Dicamba Ban, The Controversy Heats Up

Last week, the Arkansas Plant Board voted to approve a ban on dicamba, which will start on April 16th and end on October 31st of next year – despite desperate appeals from Monsanto and growing conflicts over the issue within the agricultural community. The vote was held on September 21, and was attended by Ty Vaughn, Monsanto’s vice-president of global regulatory affairs. Throughout the meeting that day, Vaughn attempted to convince the board to allow farmers in the Razorback State to continue using dicamba, which has caused severe damage to non-GMO crops. Although the Plant Board has approved the...

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While Monsanto Defends Roundup, an Illinois Town Switches to Organic Weedkillers for its Parks

Despite the growing number of lawsuits, bad publicity, exposure of lies and cover-ups and increasing scientific evidence of glyphosate’s health dangers, Monsanto continues to defend its toxic herbicide, Roundup. Meanwhile, a small town outside of Chicago is abandoning glyphosate in favor of organic alternatives. In response to health concerns expressed by residents this past summer, public officials in the town of Naperville, Illinois have announced that they will be switching over to more environmentally-friendly alternatives for maintenance and weed control in the community’s nearly 140 public parks. On September 21st, Naperville Park District Executive Director Ray McGury issued a...

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Nuclear Fusion is Closer to Reality Than Ever

This is yet another story that has been flying under the proverbial radar for a couple of years now, but it could mean that the days of Big Oil’s dominance over our economic system and our world are coming to an end, a lot sooner than the executives at Exxon-Mobil and BP would like to think. The good news is that over the past two years, scientists in Germany, China, South Korea, the U.K. and the U.S. have come very close to finding the Holy Grail of sustainable energy – sustainable nuclear fusion. According to M.I.T. Research scientist Earl...

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Can Trump Use Presidential Pardons to Escape His Future Punishments? Not as Much as he Thinks

Last week, Trump issued a pardon to former sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Arizona. 85-year-old Arpaio, who once styled himself as “America’s Toughest Sheriff,” is an unrepentant racist who, over the course of his career in law enforcement, has faced a plethora of criminal and civil charges, including abuse of power, misuse of funds, and election law violations. Last year, Arpaio was charged and held on three counts of criminal contempt. Eventually found guilty, he was jailed pending his sentencing hearing, which had been scheduled for October. Trump’s action in this matter is widely viewed as an abuse...

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