Author: KJ McElrath

Lack of Racial Diversity in Clinical Studies is Putting Americans In Danger

Before a drug or medical device gets FDA approval, they are (in theory, at least) required to undergo a stringent testing process known as clinical trials. Without going into the issues of lax enforcement by the FDA and bias in testing that is financed by the drug and device makers themselves, there is another serious issue with clinical trials – and that is ethnic and racial diversity. One example of this is Type 2 diabetes. For genetic reasons, African-Americans and Native Americans suffer from this disorder more frequently than do people of European ancestry.  However, when it comes to...

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Is John McCain the Intelligence Community’s Useful Idiot?

If any good has come out of a Trump presidency so far, it is that a lot of ugly secrets are coming out that might not have otherwise seen the light of day. One of these is the long-running clandestine war against the Executive Branch waged by the intelligence community, which wants nothing more than a major escalation of U.S. military involvements overseas. In that endeavor, the CIA has had a willing pawn: war hawk Senator John McCain. An article published earlier this week on True Pundit claims that the GOP congressman from Arizona has been doing his own...

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Morning Joe Co-Host Lets It Slip: The Media’s Job is to “Control What People Think”

Wednesday morning, Mika Brzezinski, co-host of MSNBC’s Morning Joe, stated that the media’s job is to control people’s thoughts. Her statement came during a discussion with Joe Scarborough and guest Yamiche Alcindor on Trump’s updated immigration ban. Referring to  the White House’s ongoing war against the media, Brzezinski expressed concerns that if the economy goes downhill, people would start putting more credence in Trump’s statements than the media. She said, “It could be that while unemployment and the economy worsens, he could have undermined the messaging so much that he can actually control exactly what people think…and that is...

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Corporate Media Has Failed: Attacking The Man, Not The System They Helped to Create

Who created the “Imperial Presidency”? Is Donald Trump really the problem? Or is it the system that created him and allowed him to flourish? Most people with any intelligence at all understand that Donald Trump, his cronies and the GOP are not the disease, but rather the symptom of a diseased system that has been rotting away for decades. Yet, the mainstream corporate media persists in its ad hominem attacks while virtually ignoring the real issues – namely, the dysfunctional system that they have played a large part in creating. And why should they do otherwise? The “mainstream” media...

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Glen Greenwald: Siding With The “Deep State” Against Trump is “Extremely Dangerous”

As bad as the Trump Administration is, things could get much worse should agencies such as the CIA and the NSA seize power of the U.S. government. Yet, many Trump resisters, seeing the escalating war between the Administration and “Deep State” agencies, are siding with the latter – and prominent journalist Glenn Greenwald warns that “it is extremely dangerous to do that.” Greenwald’s warning comes in the wake of a similar alarm sounded by former Ohio Congressman Dennis Kucinich, who recently published an an article in Newsweek. In that piece, he outlined how intelligence agencies and the military-industrial complex...

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