Author: KJ McElrath

Big Pharma, At It Again as a Life-Saving Medication Skyrockets in Price

Count Dracula had nothing on the CEOs of Big Pharma – who once again demonstrate that they, like the legendary Nosferatu, are less than human. This time, it is a medication that improves the quality of life for boys and young men afflicted with a form of childhood-onset muscular dystrophy (better known as “Lou Gehrig’s Disease” for the mid-20th Century baseball player who died from the condition). The name of the medication is deflazacort. This drug is an anti-inflammatory steroid, which is also used to treat anaphylaxis (food allergy reactions), asthma, and other disorders. It has been around for...

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The Commander-In-Chief Got a U.S. Navy Seal and Innocent Civilians Killed In Ill-Advised Yemen Raid

Having military experience is not a prerequisite for holding the Office of the Presidency. However, if such experience is lacking, that president had better be ready to sit down and listen to the advice and counsel of his generals and admirals – unless, of course, that President is the Almighty Donald Trump. Not even three weeks into his Reign of Error, and King Donald’s first action as Commander-in-Chief is a complete disaster which has done nothing to make this country any “safer.” Furthermore, it has alienated one of the few friends the U.S. has in that part of the world,...

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Deaths From Opioid Overdose Cause Morgues to Overflow While Big Pharma Profits

It almost seems like a conspiracy; Big pharmaceutical companies continue to dump highly addictive opioid pain killers on to the market, enabling an addiction epidemic that is reaching crisis levels. As they export this epidemic abroad, they conspire to make treatments unavailable by raising prices to unaffordable levels – making certain that they continue to profit from the sickness and suffering of others. One of the tragic results of this disease-driven industry and its ongoing quest to maximize revenues at the cost of human life is that death rates from overdoses are skyrocketing – and county morgues are running...

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FBI Finds White Supremacists Have Infiltrated Police Forces Nationwide

While the racist psychopath in the White House has been whipping up hysteria about bomb-wielding jihadists from the Middle East, a far more dangerous terrorist threat has been growing like a cancer right here at home. That is the growth and proliferation of white supremacist groups. The fact is that, since 11 September 2001, over twice as many Americans have been killed by domestic terrorists than by those from Muslim countries – and yet, nobody seems to be talking about that very much. Domestic terrorists also tend to keep a low profile. According to a ten-year-old report from the...

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Trump Won Support by Pledging to Force Big Pharma to Cut Prices – Then he Met with Big Pharma

Trump has made so many promises. He promised to “drain the swamp” – we’ve seen how that played out. He promised to protect Social Security and Medicare, and it’s now obvious that he has no intention of doing that. he promised to take care of veterans and then proceeded to place a freeze on hiring federal workers, meaning more delays and problems at the V.A. The list goes on…and on…and on. It should therefore come as no surprise that, after accusing Big Pharma of “getting away with murder” and promising to rein in drug prices, Trump has decided to allow the industry...

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