Author: KJ McElrath

A New Low For Wells Fargo: Are You Still Using Gross Big Banks?

Stories about big banks deceiving their customers have become so commonplace, they’re almost not newsworthy more. However, some examples are particularly egregious, particularly when the bank in question keeps breaking the law over and over again. Case in point: San Francsico-based Wells Fargo, which only last fall paid a relatively paltry fine of $185 million (consider that Wells-Fargo’s assets total well over $1.8 trillion) for opening fraudulent credit card accounts for some 2 million customers without their consent without their knowledge. This week, four ex-employees from Southern California reported that Wells Fargo was engaged in yet another scheme to defraud...

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“Superweeds” – Thank Monsanto for the Problem

Just as the overuse of antibiotics have been leading to the development of resistant “superbugs,” so too has overuse of Monsanto products been causing the rise of “superweeds” that grow up to ten feet in height and can damage farm equipment. It’s also causing serious crop damage and leading to rising tensions among farmers in the Great Plains region. These superweeds, which can be the size of cornstalks, now infest 100 million acres of farmland across ten states. According to a report from the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS), these new superweeds are a direct result of twenty years...

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Elizabeth Warren: Are We in Danger of Losing a Progressive Champion in the Senate?

A new poll of Bay Staters by NPR radio station WBUR suggests that Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren may face a tough reelection race next year. Although more than half of Massachusetts voters continue to view her favorably (51%), the same poll indicates that more than half (56%) want to “give someone else a chance.” This is based on a live telephone survey of over 500 voters across the Bay State. By contrast, Massachusetts’ GOP Governor Charles Baker polls more favorably than Senator Warren – by 8 percentage points. Furthermore, fewer than 30% want to see someone new in the...

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Donald Trump Sells Himself to the Highest Bidders

Does anyone remember a character that Dan Ackroyd played years ago on Saturday Night Live named “Fred Garvin, Male Prostitute”? Well, Mr. Garvin had nothing on Donald Trump. He started selling himself for money soon after his questionable election. So, how much did Hooker Donnie-boy’s “johns” pay, and what “services” did they get for the purchase price? Let’s start with his inauguration. Basically, it’s all about access and “face-time” with the new power elite in D.C. For a cool $1 million or more, donors received four tickets to an “exclusive inaugural event” – a “leadership luncheon” that featured “select...

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Trump Reinstates the “Gag Rule,” Putting Women World-Wide At Dire Risk

It’s been less than a week since the narcissistic man-child Donnie-boy took his “Oath of Office” (which, in his case, means nothing), and so far, he’s signed a slew of executive orders that will make life much more difficult for average Americans – particularly those with low incomes. But he and his cronies aren’t satisfied with just hurting the poor in America; he’s also going after women in developing countries. On Monday, he reinstated a Reagan-era executive order that that stops any nongovernmental organization (NGO) from receiving foreign aid money if they either provide or even mention abortion services....

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