Author: KJ McElrath

Washington Post Prints Another Blatantly False Anti-Russia Story: What’s Their Agenda?

Joseph Goebbels hadn’t seen anything, yet, and neither had William Randolph Hearst. And right now, the corporate mainstream media (CMSM) in the U.S. is embracing the worst of both. In recent weeks, we’ve several CMSM outlets in this country sounding the alarm about Russian cyberattacks and interference. Before the New Year weekend, it was a story in the Washington Post about Russian agents hacking into the U.S. electrical infrastructure through a virus-infected laptop in Burlington, Vermont. It turned out that the laptop was not even plugged into the grid. WaPo has now retracted the story – but not before...

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What Are the Implications of Obama’s Harsh Sanctions Against Russia?

Yesterday, the Obama Administration announced a series of sanctions against Moscow in retaliation for its alleged interference and manipulation of this year’s presidential election. According to allegations brought by the FBI and the CIA, Russian operatives intervened in the election, hacking into computers and spreading information (as well as disinformation) that undermined Hillary Clinton and skewed the contest in favor of Trump. Considering how well the alleged machinations worked out for him (not to mention his cozy relationship with Russian President Putin) President-select Trump is dismissing the allegations, telling the press that “it’s time for our country to move...

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Solar Projects Are Moving Ahead – And Will Soon Overtake Natural Gas In U.S. Energy Production

While President-select Donald Trump is picking fossil fuel industry insiders for key Cabinet positions, such as Exxon CEO Rex Tiller and “Mother in Love with Fracking” Amy Oliver Cooke, solar energy projects continue to move forward. In fact, when all is said and done, 2016 could very well go down in history as the year that solar energy overtook natural gas. This is according to new data from the US Energy Information Agency (EIA), estimating that solar electrical energy generation will outpace that from natural gas by 9.4% this past year. This month, about of an estimated 25.73 gigawatts...

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Big Banks Making Big Bucks Selling Low-Income Housing Tainted With Lead Paint

It appears that there is no end to how far the 1% will go to screw over everyone else in order to enrich themselves more, and more, and more. The same banks and investment companies that caused and profited from the sub-prime mortgage crisis several years ago are still profiting – and low-income families with young children are paying the price. The problem is lead poisoning. Thousands, even hundreds of thousands of rundown, substandard housing units have been bought up by these financial institutions after having been foreclosed upon, and are being offered to low-income families through “rent to...

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America’s Own “Ministry of Truth” Learns From the Egyptian Government: Arresting Journalists

A bill recently signed into law by President Obama has literally created the “Ministry of Truth” that George Orwell wrote about in his novel 1984. While the intention of the law, tucked inside 2017 defense budget, was to enable the government to counter “disinformation” disseminated by foreign sources, the implications of the law has free speech advocates gravely concerned over how it will be used by the incoming Administration – and with good reason. If you have questions about that, just take a look at what’s happening in Egypt right now. This week, authorities in Egypt arrested a reporter...

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