Author: KJ McElrath

New Surgical Repair Technique Gives Hope to Victims of Spinal Injuries

Even in the least severe cases, spinal cord injuries are complicated. In many cases, such injuries mean a lifetime of debilitating pain and disability, and even paralysis. The good news is that researchers have identified ways in which spinal injuries can be made to repair themselves – with some surgical assistance. These discoveries are providing more understanding of currently available treatments, and promise to lead to new treatments and surgical techniques for the repair of other types of nerve damage. One day, surgeons may even be able to repair a severed spinal cord. Working at King’s College in London,...

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France Stands Up to European Commission, Says ‘No’ To Glyphosate

Wednesday, a representative of France’s Ministry of Ecology and Sustainable Development announced that his government will vote against a European Commission proposal to renew the license for glyphosate, the active ingredient in the commercial herbicide Roundup. The official cited “uncertainties that persist with regard to its danger” as the reason for the French government’s decision. The proposal, if passed, would extend the license for glyphosate for ten years. However, France is a key vote in this issue: a refusal by the French government would mean that the EU Commission would not have enough votes to extend the license. The...

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Benefits of Legalized Cannabis: Lower Crime Rates and Reduced Opioid Abuse

While U.S. Attorney Jeff Sessions and other conservative elements in government rant about the “evils of pot” and threaten to roll back legislation legalizing the sale of marijuana, states that have chosen to legalize the so-called “demon weed” for both medical and recreational use are seeing two significant benefits. One is a reduction in violent crime. Recent studies show that a well-regulated cannabis industry actually decreases crime rates by putting illegal narcotics dealers and their cartels out of business (a lesson that should have been learned 90 years ago from the fiasco of the Volstead Act). However, there has...

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As Dicamba Crop Damage Spreads Across the Farm Belt, Arkansas Agriculture Department Recommends Complete Ban

As crop damage due to the herbicide dicamba spreads from South Dakota into Texas and from Pennsylvania to Colorado, a task force appointed by the Arkansas Agriculture Department has recommended that state lawmakers institute a complete ban on all use of the product. If such legislation is adopted, it would make it illegal for farmers in the Razorback State to spray dicamba on their soybean fields after next April. The state placed a temporary ban on the sale and use of dicamba in July after farmers complained of crop damage caused by dicamba “drift,” as the chemical weed killer...

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Attacking the Crisis At The Source: Local Governments in Alabama and Ohio File Suit Against Opioid Distributors

Over the past three weeks, ten municipal and county-level governments in Ohio and Alabama have been filing lawsuits against three major distributors of opioid medications, citing violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and federal racketeering laws. Defendants are also accused of creating a public nuisance and face allegations of negligence.  The most recent lawsuit was filed on Wednesday.  Although no drug manufacturers have been named, these legal actions represent a major step forward in dealing with the nation’s opioid crisis at its source – by going after the suppliers. The named defendants are AmerisourceBergen, Cardinal Health and McKesson....

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