Author: KJ McElrath

Want to Oppose Trump? The Resistance Is Already At Work In Your Local Government

Mid-20th Century British prime minister Winston Churchill once said, “Americans will always do the right thing – once they have tried everything else.” It is a lesson that the Progressive Movement has had to learn the hard way, and it has taken the specter of fascism for the movement to reach that point. The lesson is this: all resistance and any hope for real change and progress has to start locally. In recent weeks, San Francisco city officials and the mayor of New York City have publicly stood up an announced that if Donald Trump is determined to follow...

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Arizona State Judge: Medical Marijuana Law Trumps Federal Control Act

Despite increasing acceptance and legalization of marijuana across the country, there are still dinosaurs that are determined to criminalize adult individuals who choose to use it – whether for medical reasons or for recreation. Fortunately, in red state Arizona – where voters approved the legalization of medical marijuana in 2010 – that fish won’t fry. Efforts by a county attorney to close a medical marijuana dispensary have now been shut down by the Arizona Court of Appeals, and the dispensary will be allowed to continue to provide medical cannabis to patients with a state-issued card. When Maricopa County Attorney Bill...

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Federal Government Penalizing Elderly Social Security For Student Loan Debt

Now it becomes clear: the right-wing corporatist fascist pigs of GOP and their allies figured out a long time ago how to repeal Social Security – through the back door. That “back door” is referred to as the “Student Loan Crisis” – and it’s costing elderly retirees the very Social Security payments for which they have earned their entire working lives. The corporatists in Washington D.C. who serve only the 2% and spit on the rest of the country like to attribute the student loan crisis to laziness and lack of initiative and “personal responsibility” on the part of debtors, but...

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GOP Rep. Allows Son to Suffer For Hours to Make a Sick Point About Healthcare

The right wing scum that now control the Executive and Legislative branches of government and will soon be controlling the Judiciary have made no secret of their hatred for the very government they are supposed to be serving and their contempt for the people they govern. However, Michigan Representative Bill Huizenga has taken this to a whole new level, allowing his own 10-year-old son to suffer in pain overnight – just to prove a point about how “wasteful” the health care system is. Furthermore, he has no shame about it whatsoever. Huizenga represents Michigan’s 2nd District. Like his fellow...

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Deadly Smog is Choking Beijing And Grounds Flights Amid Environmental Disaster

Even at its worst back in the 1960s and early 1970s, smog in Southern California’s Los Angeles Basin was never as bad as it’s gotten in the Beijing metro region in recent months. This week, the Particulate Matter Index 2.5 index (a measurement of airborne particles 2.5 microns in diameter or greater) was 300 – and in other major cities in the region, that number climbed to a whopping 500. The “safe” level, according to the World Health Organization, is 25. The South China Morning Post reports that 23 cities in the northern region have issued red alerts for...

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