Author: KJ McElrath

Anything to Make a Buck – Big Pharma Dumps 780 Million Opioid Painkillers Into a Region With The Highest Overdose Rate in the Country

Last week, Drug Safety News brought you a story about the growing opioid epidemic in the U.S. and how rural regions of the country have been the most affected. This was according to a report by the U.S. Surgeon General’s Office that was released earlier this year. Now, an investigative report by the Charleston (West Virginia) Gazette-Mail pinpoints and highlights that addiction crisis. It turns out that some major drug companies have been flooding rural West Virginia with prescription painkillers that include oxycodone and hydrocodone – where the addiction and death rate from overdoses are among the highest in...

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Two Progressives Are Up To Chair The DNC: Why One is Clearly Better Than The Other

After the debacles of the past three election cycles, many Democrats agree that the party requires much more progressive leadership – and as it turn out, two Progressives are vying for that leadership as DNC chair. But are they both truly Progressive? How are they different, and how might those differences cause yet another rift in an already fractured Democratic Party? The first who has come forward to replace corporate blue dog Debbie Wassermann-Schultz is Minnesota Representative Keith Ellison. He is now being challenged for the position of DNC chair by Labor Secretary Tom Perez. Both of these figures...

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When Bad Things Happen on Trump’s Watch, His Refusal to Take Briefings Will Be Directly to Blame

This week, former CIA director and Defense Secretary Leon Panetta gave “smart boy” Donnie Boy a harsh dose of reality: “If we endure another attack and the intelligence officials had indications or information regarding that attack and the president did not want to listen to that, for whatever reason, the responsibility for that attack would fall on the president.” It’s an appropriate response to this overgrown tyrant who brags that he’s such a “smart guy” and doesn’t think he needs to hear daily security briefings. This should be alarming to anyone who is paying attention, but Panetta – who knows...

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EPA FINALLY Acknowledges Something We’ve Known All Along: YES, Fracking IS Poisoning Our Drinking Water

Although the EPA admitted almost eighteen months ago that fracking chemicals were contaminating aquifiers, it was just this week that the agency has officially acknowledged what people in affected communities have known for a long time – YES, fracking IS poisoning our drinking water. A preliminary version of the study, released in 2015, determined that there was “no evidence that fracking systemically contaminates water [supplies].” But interestingly, this statement is not part of the final study. EPA science adviser Thomas Burke says that it was deleted because “scientists concluded it could not be quantitatively supported.” The timing of this report...

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Clinton Camp Supports Electors’ Demand for Evidence of Russian Election Tampering Before Voting

The possibility that Russian operatives deliberately interfered in what was already a contentious and controversial election has added fuel to the flames of demands that the Electoral College overturn the results and prevent a Trump presidency. So far, more than 4.8 million people have signed a petition at asking the electors to deny Trump the White House. Now, the Electoral College is requesting an intelligence briefing ahead of next week’s meeting on whether or not a foreign power did in fact interfere in this year’s election. This week, the Hillary Clinton campaign, which has remained silent on the...

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