Author: KJ McElrath

Big Pharma and “21st Century Cures”: Why You Should Be Concerned

The name “21st Century Cures” sounds reasonable, and even as if it could be a good thing. The idea behind this legislation, now before Congress, is to speed up the approval process for certain prescription drugs and medical devices – ostensibly, so they can get to patients faster and help to save lives. The reasoning here is that the “urgent need” for new cures and treatments is more important than the risks associated with new, untried treatments. When this bill becomes law, as seems certain as of this writing, it will expedite the approval process by lowering standards, as...

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New Voter Suppression Low: Trump CEO Bannon Wants Only White, Male Landowners to Vote

Many may nostalgically long for the good old days, but Donald Trump’s chief adviser Stephen Bannon wants to take that idea to a whole new – or old, depending on your perspective -level. If Bannon has his way, voting rights would be granted only to property owners, an archaic idea from the days of slavery. Not coincidentally, the vast majority of property owners are white males. In fact, according to the Huffington Post, the five largest white landowners in America together own more rural land than all of black America combined. This ass-backwards opinion on voting is yet one more way that Bannon...

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Say ‘Bye, Bye’ to Expected Overtime Rules – Court Order Cuts OT Pay

If you were one of those who got bamboozled into voting for Trump, thinking that he was going to be a “Champion of the Working People” – well, we hate to say “told you so,” but the fact is that you’ve been sold a bill of goods by one of the greatest con men in history. In the coming years, the war against the working class will continue unabated and is likely to go on steroids if a recent federal court decision is any indication. Before the Thanksgiving Day weekend, Senator Bernie Sanders blasted a court-issued injunction against the...

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Trump’s Pick for Secretary of Education is Unqualified and Dangerous

You may not have heard the name Betsy DeVos until recently – but if you have been a follower of Progressive media over the past several years, you know quite a bit about her family. Now that she is Trump’s top pick for Secretary of Education, information is coming out about DeVos that should make supporters of public schools (not to mention anyone who believes in separation of church and the secular state) gravely concerned. Her stated goal is nothing less than the dismantling of America’s public education system, handing it all over to the control of private, for-profit...

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Trump’s Chief Environmental Advisor Thinks Climate Change is a Hoax and Pesticides are A-Okay

Trump’s potential Cabinet picks are questionable to say the least. So far, they include his fellow billionaires, racists, corporatists, and political insiders of all stripes – and on environmental issues, one of the most prominent and notorious climate change deniers in the world, Myron Ebell. Ebell is the director of the Center for Energy and Environment at the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) as well as chairman the “Cooler Heads Coalition” – an “informal and ad-hoc group focused on dispelling the myths of global warming.” In other words, they are climate deniers, on a holy mission to mislead the public...

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