Author: KJ McElrath

Electile Dysfunction: How Trump Lost the Popular Vote But Won the Presidency

The unthinkable has happened. A dangerous, uneducated, racist, hate-filled, sexist, misogynistic, delusional, idiotic, unqualified, overprivileged 70-year-old man-boy with no experience in statecraft, diplomacy or political leadership has been chosen to “lead” and be the face of our country to the world. But here’s the kicker: the REAL winner, according to the popular vote, was Hillary Clinton. That’s some mandate to govern. There were several reasons why this pathetic candidate has been given the Oval Office: There was, of course rampant skullduggery on the part of Debbie Wassermann Schultz and the Democratic National Committee who screwed us out of the...

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‘Boys, We’re Back in Business!’: CEOs of the Private Prison Industry Popping Champagne Corks at Trump Victory

Big Pharma isn’t the only one salivating at the golden prospects of no regulation or control of their blood-sucking, predatory profiteering and price gouging now that the party of Greed Over People will be in control of all three branches of government for the foreseeable future. The obscenity known as the Private Prison Industry is also celebrating, as Mr. Arch-Capitalist himself, the Orange Monstrosity, will be putting the agenda of privatization of our public institutions – including the corrections system – on steroids. Only last August, the U.S. Department of Justice announced that it would be phasing out private...

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Kiss Obamacare Goodbye as America Returns to the “Pay or DIE” Healthcare System

Last night was an unmitigated disaster for the country – and for the world. While it has yet to be seen just what form that disaster will take, it’s already becoming apparent now that the GOP has a lock on Congress and the senate, as well as the White House. In addition to these major shifts in the government, a Trump presidency means that millions of Americans will be losing the health care they won under the Affordable Care Act. We can also look forward to even worse and more egregious price gouging by Big Pharma as their blood-sucking CEOs...

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States Sign On to Federal Anti-Trust Investigation of Bayer-Monsanto and DuPont-Dow Mergers

Thom Hartmann has periodically said that “Capitalism has reached the cancer stage.” Nothing typifies this more than the merger mania of the past decades that has concentrated more and more power into the hands of fewer and fewer entities. However, there is some push back; recent proposed mergers between Bayer and Monsanto as well as Dow Chemical and DuPont are now drawing scrutiny not only from Federal anti-trust regulators, but state-level officials as well. At this point, it is not known how many states will ultimately be joining the investigation. However, now that states’ attorneys general are getting in...

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The Justice Department Is Monitoring the Election in 28 States Today – Stay Vigilant

There’s a bit of bad news for “Citizen Journalists,” KKK thugs and “Oathkeepers” and others who had plans to engage in voter intimidation today on behalf of Donald Trump: they will be met across the country by 500 agents from the U.S. Department of Justice. According to an announcement issued by the DoJ yesterday, poll monitors are being deployed to 67 jurisdictions in 28 states in order to keep an eyes on today’s elections, and watching for signs of voter intimidation. Poll monitors are being stationed primarily in states affected by the 2013 Supreme Court decision that invalidated key provisions...

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