Author: KJ McElrath

Democrats Could Win All Three Branches of Government in November, But How Hard Will It Be?

The good news: Donald Trump is going down as Hillary Clinton appears ready to win the White House by a substantial margin. The better news: Trump may wind up taking a lot of GOP down-ticket candidates with him. This means Clinton would have Democratic majorities in Congress. It sounds like a dream come true after a nightmare of gridlock and obstruction that has gone on for far too long – but how realistic is this scenario? As is the case of so many things in life (and politics in particular), the answer is far from simple. There are a...

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Organization Seeks Creative (and Profitable) Ideas For Turning CO2 Waste Into Useful Products

As lawmakers beholden to the interests of the fossil fuel industry continue to sit on their asses and deny that carbon emissions have anything to do with global climate change, one organization has been looking for another solution to the problem – one that is useful, environmentally sound, and profitable. And they’re offering a cool $20 million prize to the company or individuals that come up with a practical, workable idea. That organization is known as the X Prize Foundation. Its stated goal is “Making the Impossible Possible”, encouraging the development of revolutionary innovations though competition. Over the years,...

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The Push For Marijuana Legalization Keeps Growing – and the Business Community is Onboard

The “Voice of Doom” that first spoke up in the 1936 film Reefer Madness continues to rant and rave about the horrors of the demon weed known as marijuana – but increasingly, that voice is being disregarded and even mocked as the movement for full legalization continues its inexorable march forward. Even the business community, seeing the potential for immense profits from a cash crop, is adding its voice to ordinary citizens who are demanding the right to kick back and smoke a doobie without worrying about the cops bursting in and hauling them off to the pokey. Furthermore,...

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Monsanto On Trial For Crimes Against Humanity

There was a major event involving Monsanto and products such as Roundup and Agent Orange over the past weekend that got virtually no mention in the U.S. corporate media. On Friday, October 16th, a group of thirty farmers, scientists, activists and legal experts gathered in The Hague, Netherlands for the purpose of putting the transnational corporate agribusiness giant on trial for “crimes against nature and humanity” as well as charges of “ecocide.” The tribunal, which was announced in Paris last December, included representatives of organizations such as the Organic Consumers Association, Regeneration International and Millions Against Monsanto. The group...

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Are The Russians Going to Hack U.S. Elections? Don’t Lose Sleep Over It

Let’s face it: the mainstream corporate media lives and dies by how much fear they can generate, and the most recent scare is the possibility that Russian operatives will be rigging the U.S. elections in order to create suspicion among the electorate and cause people to lose trust in the electoral process as well as the political system. Aside from the fact that our own politicians and corporate “people” have been doing a damned fine job of that all by themselves (without even having to resort to hacking and other cyber-tools), rumors of Russia’s ability to disrupt our elections...

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