Author: KJ McElrath

Stockert 3T Surgical Medical Device Causing Serious Infections

Unless your doctor has recommended open heart surgery and the procedure involves implantation of an artificial heart valve, chances are you have never heard of the Stockert 3T Heater-Cooler System. Nonetheless, it is the latest in a long parade of medical devices that is doing more harm than good. Lawsuits allege that the manufacturer, LivaNova, was aware of an elevated risk of infections due to use of the device during surgery – and failed to warn the medical community of these risks. It’s a story we’ve heard before. Several months ago, another device used to regulate the surgical patient’s...

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Pharmaceutical Companies Conspire to Keep Opioid Addicts from Getting Help – Now States Are Fighting Back

You may not have heard of Suboxone, unless you have struggled with opioid addiction. This drug is a vital treatment in helping addicts to get the proverbial monkey off their back – and two drug companies have been conspiring to keep the price inflated by blocking the manufacture of generic versions by competitors. According to a lawsuit brought by the attorneys general of 36 states across the country, three pharmaceutical companies – Reckitt Benkiser, Indivior, and MonoSol Rx – have been engaging in a conspiracy to change the form of Suboxone from a tablet to a type of film...

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What The Frack, Hillary? Clinton’s Flip-Flopping On The Controversial Drilling Method

On the campaign trail, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has indicated that she does not support the gas drilling technique known as “fracturing,” or “fracking.” However, in the past, she’s been all for it – even to the point of exporting the technique abroad. For example, during a debate with then-rival Bernie Sanders during the primaries, Clinton was asked whether or not she supported fracking. Her answer, unlike Sanders’, was equivocal. She replied that she opposed fracking “when any locality or any state is against it…when the release of methane or contamination of water is present, [and] unless we...

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Bernie Sanders Seeks to Correct Tax Loopholes That Allowed Trump To Skip Payment 18 Years

What many people have long suspected is true – billionaire presidential candidate Donald Trump has likely not paid one damn dime in federal income taxes in eighteen years. Moreover, while many average Americans struggle to keep up with their tax obligations, Trump actually bragged about it, calling himself “smart.” Apparently, he is, at least when it comes to avoiding paying his fair share to support the nation that has supported him in such grand style for so long – because it was all likely completely legal, thanks to the numerous loopholes and provisions in the tax code that favor...

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Federal Courts Going After Big Pharma For Their Role In Prescription Addictions

A lawsuit has been filed against drug manufacturers over opioid painkillers and it may wind up being the biggest litigation of its kind since Big Tobacco. Since 1999, death caused by the abuse of drugs like Vicodin, Oxycontin and other prescription opioids have numbered over half a million – and lawmakers are doing little to nothing to address the problem while pharmaceutical industry lobbyists have been busy on Capitol Hill. Now, the courts are seeking to hold Big Pharma accountable. On the law enforcement front, the DEA is imposing strict limits on the production of prescription opioids. Meanwhile on the judicial...

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