Author: KJ McElrath

Conservation Law Foundation Files Lawsuit Against Exxon-Mobil Over Its Role in Climate Change

Back in May, the Conservation Law Foundation (CLF) reported that it would be pursuing legal action against petroleum giant Exxon-Mobil over global climate change and its attempts to cover up its own role in deceiving and hiding the facts from the public. This week, the CLF made good on that threat. The lawsuit, filed with the U.S. District Court for the District of Massachusetts in Boston, is centered around a local facility in the Boston suburb of Everett. However, it has broad ramifications. It is the first time that any plaintiff has attempted to hold Exxon-Mobil legally accountable for...

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Criminally Un-American: Trump Did Business With Communist Cuba During U.S. Embargo

One can hope the recent news of Donald Trump’s business dealings in Cuba will put another nail in the coffin of his presidential aspirations. Currently of course, relations between the U.S. and the Caribbean island nation 90 miles south of Florida are progressing toward normalization. Almost twenty years ago however, it was still illegal for U.S. companies to transact any sort of business in Cuba without a license from the U.S. Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC) – and then, only under very limited circumstances (such as charitable or humanitarian work). That didn’t stop Trump from spending $68,000 in...

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C8 Hasn’t Been Disappearing – It’s Just Moved Overseas

As inadequate as environmental protections seem to be in the U.S., at least they exist. This is not true of many other countries, such as China and Russia. DuPont and other chemical producers agreed to phase out the manufacture and use of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) in the U.S. as of 2015, if only after an onslaught of legal action and pressure from the Environmental Protection Agency forced them into it. Except the chemical hasn’t been phased out at all. The manufacturing of PFOA – better known as “C8” – has just been shipped overseas to countries where corporate polluters...

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Pharmacy Making Big Bucks Selling Execution Drugs To The State of Missouri – and it’s Fishy All Around

You thought your prescription drugs were overpriced? Check this out: the State of Missouri has paid over $125,000 cash to a private, anonymous pharmacy for phenobarbital, the drug used for execution by lethal injection. That works out to nearly $7,200 per dose (two vials) – which greatly exceeds the market value of the drug. When death row inmates issued a subpoena to the Missouri Department of Corrections in order to force them to reveal the source of the drugs, lawyers for the pharmacy argued that their sale of phenobarbital to the state was “political speech,” and therefore, its right...

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Abilify Lawsuits Claim Link to Gambling Addiction in Adults and Type 2 Diabetes in Children

There are numerous lawsuits pending involving the anti-psychotic medication Abilify that claim the drug can cause serious impulse control issues in adults, such as gambling, shopping, binge eating and hypersexuality. Comprehensive information on this can be found at Levin Papantonio’s webpage on Abilify and addictive behavior. Additionally, the drug has been linked to the development of Type 2 diabetes in children. It is yet another side effect about which Otsuka Pharmaceuticals and its marketing parter, Bristol-Squibb Meyer, allegedly failed to issue adequate warning. Type 2 diabetes differs from the Type 1 variety, which is a genetic condition caused by...

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