Author: KJ McElrath

Feds Reveal Chris Christie Knew All About “Bridgegate” After All

Do you remember about three years ago (Monday morning, September 9th 2013, to be exact), when suddenly, three lanes of the George Washington Bridge – the busiest motor vehicle bridge on the planet – were suddenly and unexpectedly closed during the busiest commuting time of day? Hopefully you weren’t there trying to get to work, school, or an appointment on time – or heavens forbid, had a medical emergency. That event, unscheduled and unannounced, threw the entire metro area into chaos for days, and put people’s lives in jeopardy. In one case, paramedics finally had to abandon their ambulance and...

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Big Pharma Price Gouging: What’s REALLY Going On

Over the weekend, activists stood outside the offices of Mylan Pharmaceuticals chanting, “Heather Bresch, what do you say? How many kids have you killed today?” while holding up a large piñata in the shape of an EpiPen, filled with gold coins. It was a fitting protest against the company’s steep increase in the price of the life-saving medication, which has gone from $50 to $600 for two doses since 2004 – while CEO Bresch’s annual salary and compensation package went from $2.5 million to $19 million. It’s not just about Mylan and its EpiPen. These kind of predatory, unconscionable...

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California Governor to Big Pharma: Explain Yourselves on Price Gouging

On Friday, California governor Jerry Brown signed off on a new state law that would allow businesses such as restaurants and hotels as well as public agencies to keep epinephrine auto-injectors on hand for emergencies. It is a dream come true for Mylan, which has raised the price of its EpiPens from $50 to $300 each over the past eight years – while giving its CEO a hefty raise. In a letter to the California State Assembly, Governor Brown wrote that “EpiPens have the potential to save the life of a person suffering from a severe allergic reaction.” Of...

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Thanks to Some Old-Fashioned Investigative Journalism, New York AG Launches Inquiry Into Trump Foundation

GOP Presidential candidate Donald Trump has done a great job of impressing people with how generous he is when it comes to his foundation and its contributions to charity. Of course, it’s easy for him to do with OPM (“Other People’s Money”). However, there are now serious questions about just how much actual “charity” was involved. The Donald J. Trump Foundation has drawn the scrutiny of New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, who has launched an investigation in to “some impropriety.” It couldn’t have come at a worse time for the Trump Campaign, just a little over six weeks...

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Monsanto Pays $80 Million SEC Fine for Lying to Shareholders About Roundup Profits

Recently, the Security and Exchange Commission awarded $22.5 million to a former Monsanto executive who exposed the company’s questionable accounting practices involving its toxic herbicide, Roundup. This is the second-largest whistleblower award since the program was started in 2011. The story goes back to 2009, when Monsanto started offering its distributors a rebate of as much as $20 an acre as an incentive to use Roundup and Roundup-ready seeds. Word had been getting around about glysophate, the toxic ingredient in Roundup that has been the cause of action in an increasing number of lawsuits, and competition from lower-cost herbicides...

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