Author: KJ McElrath

Republicans Won’t Stop Yammering About Patriotism Yet Refused to Fund 9/11 First Responders For Months

When it comes to honoring and acknowledging the work and the sacrifices of real American heroes – military or civilian – the Republicans talk a good game. But, as they have demonstrated over and over again, it’s nothing more than talk. This past weekend marked fifteen years since the collapse of the World Trade Center on September 11th, 2001. It offered yet another opportunity for GOP leaders to spout off rhetoric about how “America will remember not only the horror of those attacks, but also the heroism of our response” (Mitch McConnell), or how “It is impossible to forget the...

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No Evidence That $150,000 9/11 Grant Given To Trump Was Used to Help Anyone But Himself

After the collapse of the World Trade Center just 15 years ago, the federal government set up a relief fund for small businesses in the area that had been affected by 9/11. That relief fund was administered by the Empire State Development Corporation, an agency funded by the State of New York. It’s difficult to imagine any of Donald Trump’s businesses in Manhattan as being “small.” And even if his property located at 40 Wall Street did qualify as a small business, surely someone with a net worth of $10 billion (as he was reported having at the time)...

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Clinton Proposes Solution to Price Gouging on Life-Saving Drugs by Big Pharma

Over the past decade, Mylan raised the price of the EpiPen, a life-saving device for people with food allergies to consumers by a whopping 500%. Meanwhile, the Mylan CEO got a raise in her already bloated salary and compensation package of 671%. But that’s only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Big Pharma’s greed and avarice and its willingness to sacrifice human lives on the altar of the Golden Calf. Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton wants to discourage this sort of thing. In a recent tweet, she pointed out that “EpiPens can be the difference between...

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IVC Filter Lawsuits Make Clear: These Devices Need to be Removed Now

According to hundreds of lawsuits involving IVC filters, one of the serious problems with the Inferior Vena Cava filter is they were designed to be a temporary measure – yet are left inside of patients for months, and even years. The worst part of it is that the longer they are left in a patient’s body, the more difficult they are to remove – and the greater the likelihood that the device will fracture and/or migrate, causing serious injury. Here is one example: a Canadian patient received an IVC filter following joint surgery in order to prevent a blood...

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The “Alternative Right” Isn’t Really an Alternative: Same Old Republican Hate In New Distracting Buzzword

Since 2008, the term alt-right has been in the media, touted as an alternative to the mainstream conservative movement in the U.S. It isn’t. Instead, alt-right is an umbrella term covering a range of antiquated, racist, and hateful ideologies that Donald Trump’s followers find quite comfortable. In fact, the whole Trump campaign has brought the alt-right out of the shadows and into full public view – and its rank-and-file adherents are milking it for all it’s worth. The term alternative right appears to have been used for the first time in 2008 in a speech delivered before the H.L. Mencken...

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