Author: KJ McElrath

Wall Street Thugs Jubilant About TPP Super Court Scam: Obama Knows and Still Pushes Disastrous Trade Deal

Very few people are aware of the system known as the ISDS, the existence of which threatens the very principle of national sovereignty – and even Democracy itself. The acronym stand for Investor-State Dispute Settlement, and it is part of every bad free trade deal passed since the 1990s. It is at the heart of the worst one of all, the Trans-Pacific Partnership, yet President Obama is still determined to shove it down our collective throats. The ISDS system, which stands outside of a sovereign nation’s own judiciary, was put in place in order to provide a neutral platform for...

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Young Conservatives are Begging Their Geriatric Elders To Get on Board with Climate Change

There is a saying: when the people lead, the leaders will follow. In this case, it is young conservatives and Republicans who are attempting to drag their own leaders into taking action on a future in which they and their children will have to live, for better or worse. It is no secret that the GOP Establishment refuses to take or allow any action on the issue of climate change. In fact, it’s barely even mentioned in this year’s party platform, except for claims that it’s all a political hoax or that the nation has more pressing problems to deal...

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Pay to Play or Coincidence? Clinton Foundation Donors Granted Meetings With Secretary of State Hillary

It may not have been illegal or even unethical, but on the surface, it looks a little fishy. And, unfortunately, it has given Trump and his GOP sycophants more grist for their anti-Hillary mill. It turns out that a total of 85 people who had personal access to Ms. Clinton during her tenure as Secretary of State also gave large sums of money to the Clinton Foundation. How large? Almost half of the donors wrote checks in excess of $100,000 to the Foundation – and 20 of them forked over more than a million apiece. The total contributions came...

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The Big Heist: Donald Trump Cashes In On His Own Campaign

One thing can be said for The Donald is that he doesn’t do anything halfway, particularly when it comes to promoting himself and his brand. As of July 21st, Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. has spent over $97 million on a campaign that the Washington Post called the “most cost-effective presidential campaign in modern history,” but that was back in December; at the time, Trump bragged that his campaign was $35 million under budget – but that he planned to “spend big” in Iowa. He’s continued to “spend big.” To date, $7.7 million of that money has been spent...

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One Cancer Victim’s Roundup Story

Global corporate behemoth and villain Monsanto continues to insist that its flagship product, Roundup, is “safe enough to drink” (despite the fact that one of their executives refused to drink it when offered a glass of the product). Company representatives insist that the growing body of scientific evidence of Roundup’s carcinogenicity is “unproven.” Christine Sheppard begs to differ. Christine and her husband, Kenneth, who immigrated from the U.K., came to the U.S. with dreams of owning a coffee farm. Eventually, the Sheppards realized their dream. They were able to purchase a coffee plantation located near the western shore of...

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