Author: KJ McElrath

C8 Poisoning Has Spread Far Beyond The Ohio River Valley

While most of the litigation over C8 (also known variously as perfluorooctanoic acid, perfluorooctanoate or simply PFOA) involves plaintiffs living in or near the Ohio River Valley, almost everyone has been affected by exposure to the chemical. Most of the over 3,500 plaintiffs who have brought legal action against DuPont Chemicals and its successors were exposed near the plant in Parkersburg, West Virginia. However, the ongoing litigation has implications for almost everyone who has ever used Teflon-coated cookware, stain and water-resistant sprays (such as Scotch-GuardTM), or come in contact with food wrappers, carpet, clothing fabric or any of thousands...

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Invokana: The “Cure” That is as Bad As The Disease

Initially hailed as a “miracle drug” in the treatment of Type 2 diabetes, Invokana is part of a class of drugs known as “gliflozins.” They were designed to control blood sugar levels by preventing the kidneys from reabsorbing glucose so that excess blood sugar could be passed in the urine. Unfortunately, the cure is proving to cause many of the same problems that occur in Type 2 diabetes patients – including kidney failure and nerve damage of the type that leads to amputations. Before continuing, it is important to understand the difference between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes....

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Stephen Bannon: the Most Dangerous Right-Winger in America Joins Trump Campaign

In the wake of recent revelations about his campaign manager, Trump essentially demoted Paul Manafort and hired the former executive chairman of the right-wing media website, Breitbart. The new addition to the Trump campaign staff is Stephen Bannon, a former banker for Goldman-Sachs and would-be Hollywood movie mogul – who has been described as “The Most Dangerous Political Operative in America.”  It’s part of a shuffling of Trump’s campaign staff in which former pollster and senior adviser Kellyanne Conway will manage the campaign itself and Bannon will become the campaign’s chief executive. Manafort would have been the campaign chairman,...

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Female Criminal Politicos No Different than their Male Counterparts: Penn A.G. Kane Steps Down

Kathleen Kane, the first woman Democrat to be elected Pennsylvania Attorney General, resigned her office on Tuesday after a grand jury found her guilty on charges of perjury and obstruction of justice. Her term of office will be completed by her chief deputy, Bruce Castor Jr.. Although her defense attorney plans to appeal the verdict, it is likely that Ms. Kane will not be practicing law or holding elective office anytime soon. Kane was found guilty on nine counts that include perjury, abuse of office and obstruction of justice. She could face a nine month prison term, or probation. In...

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Trump Campaign Manager Paul Manafort Has Serious Ties to Russia. Should We Be Surprised, Appalled – or Both?

When Donald Trump needed help securing the GOP nomination earlier this year, he turned to one of the most seasoned “fixers” in the party – a high-powered lobbyist and businessman by the name of Paul Manafort. It seemed like a good move at the time. Manafort, who has worked for GOP candidates since Gerald Ford’s run in 1976, managed to pull it off, helping “The Donald” to become the party’s nominee. However, now that Trump’s Russian connections have come to light and are being called into question, Manafort is proving to be a major liability – and one that...

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