Author: KJ McElrath

Activist Convicted for Laughing at Jeff Sessions Gets Charges Dismissed – Faces New Trial

This past January, 61-year-old Desiree Fairooz, a member of Code Pink and long-time activist, was attending the confirmation hearing of current Attorney General Jeff Sessions. At one point during the proceeding, Sessions claimed that he treats all Americans equally. Understandably amused (given Sessions’ record on civil rights), Fairooz laughed. That completely natural and involuntary reaction to Session’s ludicrous claim got her arrested and charged with “disorderly conduct.” At Fairooz’s request, the case went to trial in May, during which she was found guilty and sentenced to a year in jail. Fairooz was vindicated just before the weekend however, when...

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Monsanto is Coming For Your Weed

Despite Jeff Sessions’ rantings and threats from the Trump Administration, legalized marijuana – for medical as well as recreational purposes – is here to stay. Putting that genie back in its bottle is going to be virtually impossible as more states vote to decriminalize the controversial, but ultimately innocuous, weed. Unfortunately, casual users and patients of chronic pain aren’t the only ones celebrating this trend – it’s also what Monsanto is banking on. Despite denials from the company over the years, it is becoming apparent that the agribusiness giant that brought us such delightful innovations such as Agent Orange...

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GOP Attorney Behind Massive Voter Purge Recruited For Trump’s “Election Integrity” Commission

Earlier, The Ring of Fire brought you a story of right-wing attorney J. Christian Adams, who for the past few years has been spearheading ongoing efforts to disenfranchise low-income and minority voters across the nation, working through the ACLU’s “evil twin,” the American Civil Rights Union. This week, Adams has been recruited by Trump to board the so-called “Election Integrity” Commission. Apparently, Trump’s latest effort to cement the GOP stranglehold over our democracy (and thereby end it for all practical purposes) has run into snags. Virtually every state has either refused to provide his commission with the voter information...

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Right Wing Organization Working Behind The Scenes to Purge Voter Rolls Across the U.S.

While most of the country is focused on Trump’s so-called “Election Integrity Commission”  (which is meeting considerable resistance on the state level), a triumvirate of right-wing lawyers are quietly working to take away their right to vote in every state. All three of these lawyers now work with a group calling itself the “American Civil Rights Union,” or ACRU – which is essentially the ACLU’s evil twin. The three lawyers served in the Department of Justice under the Bush II Administration. They are J. Christian Adams, Christopher Coates and Robert Popper. Over the past few years, this Unholy Trinity...

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Hobby Lobby Caught Stealing Ancient Artifacts For Their “Museum of the Bible”

Last week, Hobby Lobby got caught with its pants down when Department of Justice found them guilty of the illegal purchase and smuggling of archaeological artifacts looted from historic sites in Iraq. Many of you probably remember the Supreme Court “Hobby Lobby” decision in 2014, in which the corporatist justices ruled that the company’s “good Christian” owners had the right to shove their beliefs down women employees’ throats by denying contraceptive coverage. Well, the billionaire Green family, driving force behind the “Museum of the Bible” scheduled to open in Washington D.C. this fall, may be obsessed with controlling people’s...

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